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A study of How Chinese Restaurants get business success.

Importance of the Topic

· Chinese cuisine has become one of the most popular ethnic foods in the United States. There are more than 40,000 Chinese restaurants across the nation.

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· Many traditional Americanized food restaurants’ businesses are being taken by the Chinese restaurants.

· There is a concern that the Chinese immigrants understand the American food market and American customers better than the same culture background American.

· There are many barriers for western culture background scholars to research the Chinese immigrants’ unique management skills and techs.

· The literatures contain very little information to tell how Chinese restaurants expand so pervasively.

· This paper is the first time to show the deep image of Chinese restaurants’ operations and key facts to success. Also some potential issues will be mentioned.


The scope of this study is 3 Mid-size towns(Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, and Columbia MO). The sample will be the Chinese restaurants (above 20 tables) and some American restaurants in the 3 Mid-size towns.

· Major:

Customer’ choice, staff .

· Minor:

Finance support, illegal labor.

· The customer’s choice is trying to figure out why customers choose Chinese restaurants rather than others restaurant. A survey will be given to 300 customers.

· The staff engagement and their labor intensity will be test . A designed interview will be given to the staffs , it contains several questions to find their typical works and how much they involved in the work. Labor intensity is designed to test whether there is significant difference of labor intensity between Chinese restaurants’ staff and American restaurants’ staff.

· Finance support is designed to know whether Chinese restaurants have comparable advantage in finance support, how do they get the finance support.

· Illegal labor is talking about illegal labor in Chinese restaurants. It reduced big operational cost.

Qualitative Research Design

· A survey is given to customers in several Chinese restaurants , which give important information of key factors of the customers choose Chinese restaurants and some common backwards.

· A experiment is designed to verify hypothesis that Chinese restaurant’s employees work more harder than American restaurant’s. Experiment: to compare the labor-intensive in Chinese and American restaurants, pedometers will be given to the waiters and waitresses in both restaurants. I can collect the data from them. Then data will be analyzed by SAS, a Anova procedure will be used.


· Join in the Chinese restaurants as a staff, make several observations.

Limitation of this paper

· Will only have data from 3 Mid-size town.

· Limited number of participants restaurants

· Limited time for investigating and observation

· The primary data source is mainly captured by survey, it lacks of objective facts.

· The experiment only reflects one aspect of staff involvement and labor-intensive.

Implications for Business Practices

This paper

· can give many variables of why people choose Chinese restaurants to future study.

· First time to inside the operation of Chinese restaurants and find out the secret key that Chinese restaurants to get business success.

· Can be used by other ethnic food restaurants to improve their business.

· Can be used by Chinese restaurants to make up their shortages.

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