
TECH462 Industrial Safety Engineering

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Department of Engineering and Design

Eastern Washington University

Winter Quarter 2013

Accident Prevention Plan (150 points)

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You are to complete an accident prevention plan for a company. The Complete list of content/sections to be covered is listed in the contents section below. The company profile, which you need to match to the content/sections, is listed in the company profile section below. The expected finished length of this assignment is from 75 to 100 pages.


Body Text Size: All of the body text in this assignment needs to be set in 12-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes.

Header Text Size: All of the header text in this assignment can be set in 14-point or 16-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. Pick your text size and use it consistently throughout the assignment.

Double Spacing: For this assignment select all of your text and set it for double spacing. This includes the headers and body of your work. This allows space for marking up or making notes while I am reviewing what you have written. This also helps to make the document more readable. (The exception to the double spacing is the text on the title page.)

Page Margins: Set your pages to one-inch margins. One-inch margins mean one (1”) on all sides. The only text that ends up on the outside of the one-inch margin is the page number.

Title Page: This page will contain the title, “Accident Prevention Plan”, and the name block. Place the title in the center, right to left and about one-third the way down the page.

Name Block: Place the name block in the center, right to left and about two- thirds the way down the page. Put your
name first
, then the
class title
and then the
. Example:

Your Name

TECH 462 –Industrial Safety Engineering

March 18, 2013

Spelling/Grammar Checking: Remember to do your spelling and grammar checking before turning your assignments in. When doing the spelling/grammar checking keep in mind that some words such as mush and must, woods and words, or here and cow, will not be caught by either check. To correct these problems, you will need to proofread your work.

Page Numbers: Any assignment that has more than one page, needs to have page numbers on it. Please place your page numbers on the bottom of the page. In MS Word, use the footer selection and place the page number

bottom right
of the page.

Content: (Major Contents/Sections Check-Off List)

___ 1. Title Page

___ 2. Table of Contents Page

___ 3. Divider Pages

___ 4. Introduction

A. Purpose & Intentions

B. Company Presidents Statement

___ 5. Management Responsibilities

A. Manager Responsibilities

B. Supervisors Responsibilities

___ 6. Employee Orientation

A. How and When

B. Emergency Action Plan

C. Emergency Shutdown Procedures

___ 7. Injury and Illness Procedures

A. Procedures

B. Record Keeping

C. Supervisor Responsibilities

D. Report Form

___ 8. Incident/Accident Investigation Procedures

A. Procedure Steps

B. Worksheet Form

C. Incident/Accident Table

___ 9. Safety Guidelines

A. General Guidelines

B. Equipment Specific

C. Individual Specific

___ 10. Safety Disciplinary Policy

___ 11. Safety Awareness Program

A. Safety Committee

B. Safety Meetings

C. Safety Training and Forms

D. Safety Award Program

___ 12. Appendices


B. State & Federal Posters

C. OSHA Forms and Instructions

Company Profile:

Company Size: 350 employees

Company Product: Custom manufacture of industrial hardened computers (CPU, Keyboards, etc)

Processes at factory include:

Circuit board assembly

Circuit board production

Metal case production

Plastic forming processes

Plastic pellet storage and transport to machines


Specific equipment in factory:

Air compressor


Electric forklift


Metal punch presses

Metal bending and cutting machines

Plastic injection molding machines

Plastic sheet forming equipment

Shearing machine for sheet plastic

Safety Promotion Budget: $8,000 annually

Saving/Naming Your File:

When you save your file, make sure that your name and the project number are included in it.

Example: YourName462APP

Because of problems with Blackboard, please use only letters, numbers and no spaces in the file name.

Due Date: Monday, March 18, 2013 no later than 11:59 p.m. on the due date.

(Late work for this assignment will be accepted up to March 22, 2013 (Last day of the quarter) with a 10% reduction in value.)

Revised 1/7/13 JM

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