The 1906 San Francisco earthquake


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FORMAT OF THE PAPER Your paper should include the sections listed below. It should be typed with 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and with 12 point type. PAGE 1 — Cover sheet Include the title of your paper, your name as the author, & instructor’s name BEGINNING ON PAGE 2 — Abstract Summary (in one, short paragraph) of your term paper (no more than a half-page). This should be a quick tour through your paper, like an outline written out in sentence form. Write this last. BEGINNING ON PAGE 3 — Introduction Introduce the topic (e.g. earthquake hazard) and the place (location, population, etc.). Include any historical background you may not address in the body of the paper. You might also include here anything about the significance or impact of your topic either globally or in a particular location. Body This is the bulk of the term paper and the most important section – you should break it down into several topics that relate to your paper (These topics should have their own headings). If your topic is “Earthquakes in California” for example, you could break down the body of the paper into several topics like those listed below -each topic will turn into at least one paragraph or a few paragraphs at most: 1) The history of earthquakes in California 2) Faults in California (or Faults in the San Francisco Bay Area) 3) The San Andreas fault a) The 1906 San Francisco earthquake – Location of the epicenter – Magnitude – Surficial features caused by the earthquake (offset fences, ground rupture) – Damage caused in San Francisco b) The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (See examples in a) above) 4) The Hayward fault 5) Future earthquake potential and earthquake prediction Conclusions Summarize your paper in a paragraph or two. Only include items that are the most relevant, exciting, or important. BEGINNING NEW PAGE — References cited You should reference at least 4 or 5 books, newspaper/journal/magazine articles, maps, or websites to research your topic. Include references for anything used in your figures – whether you photocopy, trace, scan, download figures. is not an acceptable source


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