Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company. Your company manufactures a commodity, widgets. Your widget is a clone of a nationally known widget. Your company’s widget, WooWoo, is less expensive and more readily available than the nationally known brand. Presently, the sales are high; however, there are many defects, which increase your costs and delays delivery. Your company has fifty (50) employees in the following departments: sales, assembly, technology, and administration.
Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
- Design an organization motivation plan that encourages:
- high job satisfaction
- low turnover
- high productivity
- high-quality work
- Propose two (2) methods to motivate all of the employees in the organization. Rate these methods in order of importance.
- Propose three (3) ways to motivate the minimum wage service worker. Support your suggestions with a motivation theory.
- Analyze the relevance of the individual worker in today’s organizational context.
- Re-create and complete the following Individual Work to Teamwork chart using Microsoft Office or an equivalent such as OpenOffice. The left-hand column is filled with terms that describe an individual worker. Fill in the right-hand column with descriptive terms that suggest the desired change in behavior from individual work to teamwork. Use Chapter 8 as a reference. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length