Chi-Square with SPSS
Calculating a chi-square concludes the types of statistical tests you have learned in this course that you might use in your own research.
To prepare for this Application:
Review Research Methods in the Social Sciences.
Review the video program for this week, located in the Learning Resources.
Review Lessons 40, 41, 42, and 44 in the course text Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data.
The assignment:
Craft a one page brief of the statistical results (include any additional pages needed for any APA tables or graphs and the SPSS syntax and output) in which you do the following:
State the statistical assumptions for this test.
o Using the data set you have selected, choose independent and dependent variables.
o Develop the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
o Use SPSS to calculate a chi-square.
o Decide whether to reject or retain the null hypothesis.
o Generate syntax and output files in SPSS. You will need to copy and paste these into your Application document.
o Based on your SPSS analysis, report the results using correct APA format. Your report should include the following:
SPSS syntax and output files
Salkind_datasets/Crab Scale Results.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 35/Lesson 35 Data File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 36/Lesson 36 Data File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 41/Lesson 41 Exercise File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 42/Lesson 42 Exercise File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 43/Lesson 43 Exercise File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 43/Lesson 43 Data File 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 44/Lesson 44 Data File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 45/Lesson 45 Data File 1.sav
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Salkind_datasets/Lesson 6/Lesson 6 Data File 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 7/Lesson 7 Data File 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 8/Lesson 8 Data File 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 8/Lesson 8 Exercise 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 9/Lesson 9 Data File 1.sav
Salkind_datasets/Lesson 9/Output.prn
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Salkind_datasets/Teacher Scale Results.sav