Application of Epidemiology to Obesity

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Analyze the obesity problem in the U.S. as compared to another developed country in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Include factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Hypothesize the reason why the rate of obesity is higher in the U.S. than the other country. 2. Compare obesity rates and obesity-related health care costs in your state to all of the U.S. Recommend how your state can treat obesity as a threat to public health. 3. Suggest how politics of this issue will hinder your ability as an epidemiologist to help your community and / or state deal with the issue of obesity. 4. Propose four (4) new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity problem in the U.S. Include the implications of those policies or laws on people, health insurance, health care providers, businesses, and the food industry. 5. Assess and address the causes which have made obesity rates increase for the past decade. 6. Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. PS; Please make sure you answer all questions and follow the rubic.Similarity free Rubric Q1.Thoroughly analyzed the obesity problem in the U.S. as compared to another developed country in which the obesity problem is not as significant. Thoroughly included factors such as age, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and marital status in your analysis. Thoroughly hypothesized the reason why the rate of obesity is higher in the U.S. than the other country. Q2.Thoroughly compared obesity rates and obesity-related health care costs in your state compared to all of the U.S. Thoroughly recommended how your state can treat obesity as a threat to public health. Q3. Thoroughly suggested how politics of this issue will hinder your ability as an epidemiologist to help your community and / or state deal with the issue of obesity. Q4. Thoroughly proposed four (4) new policies or laws that the government can implement to address the obesity problem in the U.S. Thoroughly included the implications of those policies or laws on people, health care providers, health insurance, businesses, and the food industry. Q5. Thoroughly assessed and addressed the causes which have made the obesity rates increase over the past decade. 

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