BAM 510 ( corrections)

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

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1) A human resources department may provide all of the following functions EXCEPT:

a. placing recruitment advertisements.

b. employee benefits administration.

c. payroll processing.

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d. providing legal advice to employees.

e. delivering training programs.

2) The strategic management of employees:

a. centers around the constant monitoring of regulations and legislative issues.

b. helps an organization achieve competitive advantage.

c. must involve aligning HR activities in order for employees to perform well.

d. focuses on workforce planning and identifying labor force trends.

e. Both band c.


:;)hen designing a job, the manager should ask several questions related to which of the
VOllowing items?
a. lime
b. Equipment
r’t Tasks .••…
UY Technology ./
e. Training +
4) The main purpose of recruitment and selection is to:
a. fill all vacant positions within an organization in a timely fashion.
b. ensure that new hires are offered the most competitive benefits and compensation
c. hire employees who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to help the company succeed.
d. find employees who can be trained to meet the needs of the organization.
e. use “one best way” to find and hire employees.
G;;n example of an organization who compensates employees based on performance would most
likely be:
.J a. providing an employee with a holiday bonus each year in December.
b.f.- paying an employee based on the average number of parts they inspect every four hours.
c … ;-providing an employee with a flat hourly rate for each hour of work they perform.
(91 providing a ~ale~tD~e with a company car d~e to the volume of sales calls they make.
1 paying an employee an annual salary based on the management role they hold.


c;.). majority of your employees are females under the age of 45.
likely attract and retain them?
‘” J
fa) Workers compensation and personal leave
.J Long term disability and life insurance ‘y
~ Wellness programs and free parking \
d. Health insurance and vacation time
e. Social Security and a pension plan +

Which benefits will most

7) A company whose strategy focuses on providing excellent customer service would most likely
have the following practices in place EXCEPT:
a. selection tools which assess how an employee may behave towards a difficult customer.
b. job descriptions which emphasize the employee’s role in designing quality products.
c. a compensation program which includes rewards for receiving positive customer
d. a detailed customer service training program for all employees.
e. a no hassle policy regarding product returns and exchanges.
8) An example of internally aligning HR practices is:
a. implementing an employee dress code that increases customer satisfaction.
b. creating a recruitment plan that targets the predominate groups in the organization’s labor
c. implementing a training program which supports the company’s differentiation strategy.
d. setting up the organization’s reporting structure so that payroll and HR report to the same
senior executive.
e. designing a compensation program which offers competitive wages in order to attract and
retain high quality candidates.
9) The owner of J & J Car Dealership has always encouraged his sales staff to be competitive and
he has always taken a “hands off” approach when managing his employees. The sales staff
dresses casually and has very flexible schedules. All of these things describe the company’s:
a. organizational culture.
b. social responsi bi I ity.
c. labor force trends.
d. environmental influences.
e. differentiation strategy.
10) Jose’s supervisor often reprimands him in front of his coworkers, does not return his calls or
emails when he has a question, and communicates process changes to his coworkers, leaving
Jose left out. Jose’s supervisor has not demonstrated appropriate:
a. bias suppression.
b. ethical behavior.
c. distributive justice.
d. procedural justice.
e. interactional justice.
11) Establishing independent business units in several countries is known as atn).
a. multinational strategy.
b. international strategy.
c. global strategy.
d. domestic strategy.
e. transnational strategy.
12) Before deciding to move the assembly of its computer components overseas, BCD Industries
should have taken all of the following into consideration as it relates to managing its
employees EXCEPT:
a. the culture of the overseas country and how it might impact the work ethic of its
b. the cost of labor in the U.S compared to the overseas company for this specific type of
c. the amount of unemployment claims it may have if overseas employees have to be
d. the availability of employees to do this type of work in the overseas country.
e. the skill level of the labor force in the overseas country.
nl Jack’s family runs a farmer’s market that has been in the family for nearly 75 years. The
Vexpectation is that Jack will some day take over managing the family business and keep
traditions that have been established regarding quality, customer service and…giYing backto.the
community. The culture in which Jack lives most likely relates to the cultural dimension of:
h masculinity.
(b.! short term orientation.
c. individualism.
~/power distance.
l’ collectivism. 4-
14) All of the following are considered acceptable defenses in a disparate impact case EXCEPT:
a. the practice is a business necessity
b. bona fide seniority system.
c. job related.
d. a and c.
e. a, band c are all acceptable defenses.
/”:) clothing company that designs petite styles is searching for models who are less than 5’4″.
~ all of the black applicants happen to be over 5’4″ tall they could be excluded from
consideration based on:

»: mixed motive.
@ busi ness necessity.
c. retal iation
d. job related.
e. hostile work environment.
16) Juan, a long time janitor and a flirtatious employee, has once again been hanging around with
the secretarial staff and making what he feels are innocent comments. Juan says things such
as “The perfume you are wearing is very sexy,” or “That sweater you have on really accentuates
your curves.” Normally, the secretaries ignore his comments and know that he is harmless and
does not intend to harass them. However a new employee, Rose, has taken offense to the
repeated comments and has filed a complaint. As the H R Manager, you should:
a. follow up with Rose after you take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue so that she
knows it has been handled.
b. immediately give Juan the appropriate disciplinary action because the new employee’s
perceptions of him are accurate.
c. investigate the complaint immediately, ensuring you talk to any witnesses and to both Juan
and Rose to get their version of events.
d. All choices are correct.
e. a and c are correct.
M)ndue hardship could be described as all of the following EXCEPT:
Va. building an exit ramp from the office which will violate local building ordinances but allow
– a disabled employee to exit safely.
taking away certain tasks from a disabled employee and requiring other employees to do
the work, which then slows their work down and impacts productivity.
c. allowing an employee to have Sunday off to attend church as long as they can find
coverage by swapping another shift with a coworker.
d. modifying a work station which will then create a safety hazard for other employees who
. work in the area.
X” of the above are an undue hardship.



CE)II of the following statements about sexual harassment are correct EXCEPT
a. If an employee did not report the harassment and the company can show they have a
clearly communicated policy about how to report sexual harassment issues, the company
has a better chance of defending a claim of harassment.
b. Physical contact must take place in order for sexual harassment to be proven.
c. Managers are required to take action as soon as they become aware that sexual harassment
‘xmay have occurred.
If a reasonable person would find the particular behavior offensive then it is considered
sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is illegal under Title VII because it is a type of discrimination that
impacts employment conditions.
19) Every job, even those that are si mi lar in nature such as an RN and LPN, requ ire different types
of levels of KSAs in order for the person performing the job to be successful. KSA stands for:
a. keenness, skills, and achievement.
b. kindness, sincerity, and admiration.
c. knowledge, self esteem, and aptitude.
d. knowledge, skills, and accountability.
e. knowledge, skills, and abilities.
20) In order to determine what types of competencies are necessary to perform a job successfully,
an organization must complete a:
a. job analysis.
b. job characteristics model.
c. job design.
d. job simplification.
e. job description.
21) The competencies for a job identify things such as the level of education and the number of
years of experience required to hold the job, and are also known as:
a. a job description.
b. job identification.
c. a competitive advantage.
d. essential duties.
e. job specifications.

22) John is an expediter for a paper goods manufacturer. He has been asked to track how much
time he spends traveling to and from each department delivering supplies and how much time
he spends unloading and loading supplies onto his delivery cart. This is an example of:
a. performance feedback.
b. job simplification.
c. job specialization.
d. a time and motion study.
e. assembly line work.
23) Which of the following is the best example of a succession plan?
a. Steven was transferred from a branch office of the bank to the main office so that he could
learn more about the new services that are being offered. He will then return to his branch
office after three months of training and teach his employees there about the new services.
b. Lauren was demoted from her position as Menswear Department Manager and Eric, her
Assistant Manager, was placed in her role until a new manager is hired.
c. Dara, the VP of Distribution, has been mentoring Joseph, the Distribution Services
Manager, for the past three years because she is planning to retire at the end of this year
and Joseph will be taking over for her.
d. Paul is being trained to provide coverage in Jason’s department so he can provide support
to Jason’s employees when he goes on vacation.
e. Bob, a new employee, has been attending all of the management training programs offered
by his organization because he has hopes of being selected for a management position
someday and eventually running his department.

f -:\stom wedding dress maker employs 5 seamstresses to assist her with alterations. During
~ winter months the demand for her services declines, thereby her labor
a. increasing; supply
y,\ increasing; shortage
~decreasing; demand –
– J:’ decreasing; supply
e. increasing; demand
PR Architects Inc. has experienced a slow down of work requests. They must layoff 5
mployees and have decided to layoff the last 5 employees hired. Remaining employees felt
hat Stan, a twenty-year employee who has performance issues, should have been laid off and
most likely believe that has occurred in regard to QPR’s workforce planning.



a. procedural injustice
b. discrimination
c. distributional injustice
c::9Y wrongful termination V
e. attrition f–.



Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1) The following are all necessary in order to have a successful recruitment process EXCEPT:
a. having a full understanding of the job duties and qualifications. /
. b. identifyi ng the best sources for recru itment.
~having a recruiter, either internal or external, assist with the process. v”
~’ designing a clear and accurate recruitment advertisernent.>”
e. determining what outcome you are looking for.
2) Using a job posting system as a recruitment method:
a. provides employers with access to the largest applicant pool.
b. slows down the recruitment process because jobs are only posted on the intranet.
allows employees to apply for any internal job whether it is vacant or filled.
must be set up as a strict, formal process in order to be effective.
allows organizations to provide internal career growth.
3) All of the following are accurate regarding placing recruitment advertisements in newspapers
~ it is the most cost effective approach to external recruitment.
b. this method is not generally used when trying to recruit for a highly specialized position.
c. the cost per line of an ad may limit your ability to completely describe the job and the
d. most employers place their ads in Sunday editions of large newspapers to reach a large
pool of appl icants.
e. the Internet has had a huge impact on how much employers use newspaper advertising for
recru itment purposes.
4) Using search firms to do your recruiting will produce the best results when the firm:
specializes in recruiting for positions within a specific industry.
provides HR consulting services as well.
c. writes your employment ads and places them in local newspapers.
d. requires a contingency agreement.
e. uses employee inventories to fill positions.
5) A recruiting agency which charges their clients based on the time they spend recruiting rather
than charging based on each person they hire is known as atan).
a. private employment agency.
b public employment agency.
& on-demand recruiting services.
d. retained recruiting agency.
e. contingency recruiting agency.
6) All of the following are accurate about rehiring employees as a method of recruitment EXCEPT:
a. they are familiar with the company culture and would fit in right away.
b. not all rehires may be eligible to return to the organization due to being involuntarily
c. they know the job and would require limited training.
d. the administrative process to rehire them may be easier than hiring a brand new employee.
they would need to go through a more extensive recruitment process than other applicants.
7) Some pros and cons of using external recruiting sources include all of the following EXCEPT:
a. productivity is improved and there is less training involved when bringing in external
J candidates.
b. bringing in “outsiders” may help the organization see things differently.
c. specific competencies which are currently missing can be targeted when looking for
applicants outside the company.
d. it is generally more costly than internal recruiting.
e. bringing in “outsiders” may upset current employees who are turned down for promotions
or transfers.
8) When considering an organization’s strategy in the recruitment process, all of the following are
accurate statements EXCEPT:
a. if the organization differentiates itself based on product quality they would want the
recruitment message to convey the importance of the applicant to have attention to detail
and process improvement skills.
b. if the organization is part of a rapidly changing industry the recruitment message needs to
explain that the applicant needs to be flexible and open to new ideas.
~ if pursuing a cost leadership position a recruitment method that may be emphasized is
employee referrals.
d. the recruitment message should reflect the appropriate strategy in order to attract those
who will help it retain its competitive advantage.
e. if the organization is a discount retailer the recruitment message may focus more on what
the employer has to offer versus what skills the employee has.
9) PQR Logistics spent $124,000 last year on recruiting two Warehouse Supervisors whose
salaries totaled $102,000. This information will give PQR which of the following recruitment
a. Hiring manager satisfaction
b. Yield ratio
c;) Cost-per-hire
d. Staffing efficiency ratio
e. Time-to-fill
10) PQR Logistics asked for information from their management staff about how timely the recruit-
ers were at responding to their recruitment needs, whether they felt that quality applicants
were being interviewed and hired, and how the overall recruitment process was working. PQR
is using which recruitment metric?
a. Cost-per-hire
b. Time-to-fill
Sf H iring manager satisfaction
d. Time-to-start
e. Turnover
11) Family Crisis Center had 100 applicants for its Executive Director position. Of the 100, 50
were identified as meeting the qualifications. Of those, 20 were received from the website ad,
18 were received from the newspaper ad and 12 came from employee referrals. Which
recruitment source had the best yield ratio?
Website ad
Em ployee referra Is
c. Newspaper ad
d. Both A and B
e. None of the above because they did not reach a 75 yield ratio.
12) The selection process should involve all of the following EXCEPT:
ta.) decide which competencies are required to perform the job.
)( gather the information needed to make a good hiring decision.
c. create the list of the interview questions that need to be asked.
d. determine who will make the hiring decision.
e. identify which tests may be useful in selecting the best candidate for the job.
13) Bias can come in the form of all of the following EXCEPT:
a. the halo/horn effect.
~ KSAs validity.
c. impression management.
d. the contrast effect.
e. personal characteristics influence.
14) John is preparing for his upcoming interview by purchasing a new suit and getting a haircut.
Although he is typically a casual dresser and not so concerned with the way he looks, the day
of the interview he will be groomed and look professional. John is most likely practicing:
4 the halo effect.
b. rei iabi I ity.
c. the contrast effect.
d. impression management.
e. interviewer bias.
15) All of the following are correct in regard to structured interviewing EXCEPT:
V it takes only a few minutes to determine if an applicant will be a good fit.
b. the process is more legally defensible should a claim of discrimination be filed.
c. better job-related questions can be asked to determine if the individual will be successful.
d. the same type of information is gather about all applicants making it easier to do
e. behavioral interviews are often more helpful in telling how the applicant has actually
handled situations in the past.
16) All of the following statements are accurate in regard to personality tests EXCEPT:
a. they identify counter productive behaviors by asking questions in an indirect way.
b. they should be used in conjunction with other selection tools to ensure good hiring
c. they are also referred to as honesty tests.
d. they are effective at evaluating the integrity of current employees.
e. “Have you ever felt controlled by someone else?” would be an example of a question on a
J personal ity test.
17) If using an in-basket exercise as a selection tool, all of the following may be included EXCEPT:
a. typing a memo to the board of directors.
b. prioritizing phone messages.
c. performing data entry of new vendor information.
d. making corrections to a client letter.
e. demonstrating facilitation skills by leading a group discussion.
18) In recruiting new GPAs, IOU Accounting Firm does first interviews, provides a competency
exam then brings the candidate back for a final interview. If the candidate does poorly on the
initial interview but scores high on the exam and does well in the final interview they may still
be a strong candidate for the position, based on the consideration given to each selection
method. This would be considered the:
a. core competency approach.
b. multiple-compensatory approach.
multiple-hurdle approach.
multiple-cutoff approach.
compensatory approach.
19) Having a culinary expert create a selection tool to test the knowledge of each applicant for the
head chef position will create validity. However, providing a tool which shows an
empirical relationship between the scores on the selection tool and customer satisfaction
scores will also demonstrate validity.
content; concurrent criterion-related
concurrent criterion-related; construct
construct; predictive criterion-related
content; predictive criterion-related
e. construct; concurrent criterion-related
20) Keeping employees updated in regard to the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to perform
their jobs is known as:
a. task analysis.
b. training.
c. competency evaluation.
d. onboarding.
e. development.
21) To prepare employees to possibly be promoted in the future, it is important for managers to
_______ their staff so they are prepared to take on additional responsibilities.
22) During a training program on the new budget process, the accounting department provided
several spreadsheets of information to show examples of how the data would be organized with
the new process. Several of the managers commented on their training evaluation form that
they would have preferred to see some of the information in charts and graphs to better
understand what the numbers meant. The accounting department did not consider that some
of their trainees were learners.
tacti Ie
ki nesthetic
23) All of the following statements are true in regard to self-efficacy EXCEPT:
a. those with high self-efficacy have high self confidence.
b. those with high self-efficacy may be over confident and not invest the appropriate time in
the training.
c. those with low self-efficacy may work harder to make up for their lack of confidence.
~ those with high self-efficacy are more likely to apply training back on the job.
e. those with high self-efficacy generally take longer to complete the training materials.
24) In order to change behavior, ethics training:
a. must focus on regulations related to ethical behavior.
– b/_ should focus on developing an employee’s knowledge regarding ethics theories.
c. should include an evaluation where the trainee can provide feedback about how their
behavior has changed.
d. must explain the expectations that the organization has regarding what the appropriate
ethical behavior should be.
e. must be designed to include role plays which demonstrate good ethical behavior.
– -25) All of the following would be examples of training that may need to be completed due to
regulatory or compliance issues EXCEPT:
a. a deli must provide appropriate training to anyone who works a meat slicer due to safety
b. a dental practice must train all of its receptionists how to respond to phone calls in a busy
lobby area while protecting the caller’s privacy.
c. a legal secretary must be oriented to confidentiality policies and regulations as it relates to
I handling legal documents.
-‘ ~ a new employee must be trained in how to select the appropriate settings on a piece of
equipment so that it runs at its optimal performance level to achieve productivity quotas.
e. an HR Manager must be trained in the latest changes to the FMLA regulation so as to carry
out the leave request and tracking process appropriately.

Written Assignment for Unit Two

• I nclude your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page

of your written assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).
• Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by
the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle
paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a
standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to written assignments. However,
students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit written assignments
that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages.
Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages.
Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.

All work must be free of any form of plagiarism.
Put written answers into your own words.
Do not simply cut
and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to
the course Syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Please answer ONE of the following:

(10 Examine the advantages to hiring internally to fill vacancies within an organization.
2) A high tech information services firm selects an applicant for its Chief Information Officer
whom, after he has been working for six months, has compromised data security and
management in an unethical manner. Critique how the selection process for this position may
impact the performance of the organization and potentially damage their competitive
3) Analyze the two main regulatory issues facing organizations and how managers can deal with

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1) Performance management systems are important because they:
a. may be used to make compensation adjustments.
b. help identify areas where an employee may need further training or education.
c. create documentation related to disciplining or possibly terminating an employee.
A can help managers make decisions about who to promote within the organization.
U All of the above are correct.

When designing the performance evaluation for a chef, items such as “prepares food in a
timely fashion” and “follows appropriate safety and sanitation guidelines” would be examples
<, ycontaminated performance measures. - l k J .; ~ performance dimensions. _ ~" c. deficient performance measures. 2- .t. J -~ ~Iobal performance measures. (lSZPerformance standard. - l}" ~An organization has an evaluation scoring method which includes three levels: excellent, \.y satisfactory, and poor. A manager has 3 employees and when evaluating them he must put each employee in each of the categories, although he would really consider one of them excellent and the other two satisfactory. This method of evaluation is known as: a. absol ute. b aired comparisons'J reed distribution. anking. rced choice. Qhen employees are evaluated against a list of performance dimensions which have specific and scored performance standards related to the employee's attributes attached to them, the evaluation method of is most likely being used. shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21496,0);(0,0);(0,21479);(21496,21479)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;10;(21484,0);(0,0);(0,21484);(2994,21484);(2994,20989);(18984,20989);(18984,10000);(20494,10000);(20494,2500);(21484,2500)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21500,0);(0,0);(0,21477);(21500,21477)posrelh0posrelv0pib orced distribution graphic rating scale direct measures ~~anking ~_ritical incident ~ ~" of the following statements about management by objectives is accurate EXCEPT: / a. it evaluates an employee's actual performance against specific goals. J rJiJ is a results-based approach. fG. employees may strive only to meet those targets and neglect other aspects of their jobs. '0-:" it is the preferred method to use when you want to compare employee performance. ~ e. goals can and should be linked to the overall goals and strategy of the organization. 175 ( Grn order to avoid dis~ussing his poor performance, Edgar's supervisor scored him as a "meets" Instead of a "needs Improvement" on the performance standard related to the quality of his work. This type of rating error is known as: ~ ~A/hen etting up a feedback meeting with an employee it is important to keep all of the ~ Vt~11 ing in mind EXCEPT: ocus on one set of job responsibilities rather than the whole spectrum of the employee's -,.....-~tasks. b .. discuss both the positive and negative aspects of the employee's performance. c. . focus on specific behaviors and outcomes rather than maki ng personal comments. ~sk employees for their input and concerns regarding their performance and goals. ~consider holding a separate meeting for the evaluation and one to discuss development. -> @hiCh of the following statements is most accurate in regard to using disciplinary steps?
a. Every performance or behavior issue should be taken through all steps before terminating
& . ~an employee.
~ ~ Once a verbal warning occurs, a manager should complete a written warning to ensure they /
I have gotten through to the employee. .
\j c. Focusing on what the employee needs to improve should only be part of an evaluation. oJ.
d. The employee is clear on where they stand and what they need to do to avoid further
e. Suspending an employee should be a step that is never skipped in the process. 4

9) Documenting employee performance is important for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: nP/

— J

a. so that the manager can keep accurate record of an employee’s accomplishments and
\b / r) necessary improvements.
V . lY only documentation related to performance evaluations is relevant. ,,/
~~i;~;:t:o :i::::::::::o:, :::~:::~ ::u::::::a~::I::~:::, r:~:::m::::i:::c:::s:
{!)'””tQ. ~elp a~oid certain biases of an individual employe~-J



10) When using the point method of job evaluation, all of the following are ways to ensure the
objectivity of the method EXCEPT:
a. selecting appropriate benchmark jobs.
b. correctly identifying the compensable factors.
correctly using the point manual. . ../ J’

assigning appropriate weights to each compensable factor.
ranking benchmark jobs based on skill level required.”,

11) An organization following a differentiation strategy would most likely offer a compensation mix
which was made up of: —

.:fb,:/’ ~erformance bonus.
~ IC?< :omprehensive benefits. c. annual salary. d. band c are correct. e. All of the above. 12) When determining how to set their level of wages, an organization should consider: a. agging the market will lead to increased pay satisfaction, paying at market will decrease, the number of applicants. (' / . paying at market will help control labor expenses. V . . leading the market will create turnover. e. leading the market will not attract more or better applicants. -~. ~ ~)noIOgy has impacted compensation practices in all of the following ways EXCEPT: ~hOW salary survey data is collected. b. how to determine compensab1e time for employees who telecommute. c. how expatriate pay rates are determined. d. how compensation information is tracked. e. how wage information is shared with employees. -A t»TO aid in determining what is compensable work time, ~ a. managers need to verify the accuracy of time records submitted, b. consistently enforce a compensable time policy and discipline as appropriate. c. clear polices should be in place explaining what is considered compensable time. A a and b are correct. V All of the above. I J 177 / / ~ shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21482,0);(0,0);(0,21469);(21482,21469)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;6;(17702,0);(0,0);(0,21488);(21490,21488);(21490,12221);(17702,12221)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21489,0);(0,0);(0,21477);(21489,21477)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21498,0);(0,0);(0,21489);(21498,21489)posrelh0posrelv0pib ~15) When jobs in an organization are valued against each other rather than against some external -.---?" standard of what is typically a "male" or "female" job, this is known as: minimum wage. in~ernal equity. ./ ivmg wage. d. external equity. e. comparable worth. ~ &ince ABC Corp. instituted a quarterly bonus to each department that meets the goal of zero ~ product waste, their rework costs have declined substantially. This is an example of: ~J ~oal setting theory. ../ P: ~ ~iecework theory. • c. reinforcement theory. d. agency theory. e. expectancy theory. 81 of the following are examples of team or group incentive plans EXCEPT: a. merit pay increase. j .~mproshare plan. A!?< ESOP. a. scanlon plan. e. profit sharing. 18) All of the following may be reasons not to pursue a profit sharing incentive plan EXCEPT: a. the lag time between the work and actual reward may actually de-motivate employees. b. employees may not see an incentive right away. c. employees may be doing excellent work but the organizational objectives may still not be met. ~'f0mpetition affect a company's profitability. L/tJrofit sharing is paid only when the organization is doing well which helps save labor costs. ~ ~)J/hen an organization contributes shares of its stock to a trust set up for its employees, this is .z.>: /’ lA’nown as atan).

20) When designing an incentive program in a global organization, all of the following should be
considered EXCEPT:
1’1 country whose people are individualistic will prefer a gainsharing plan.
v.~he different operational goals in each country should guide how an incentive program is
c. the standard of living in a country will impact an incentives valence.
d. the culture of a host country can impact what type of behavior warrants a reward.
e. both what is rewarded and how acceptable the reward is, impact whether global employees
will see the value of an incentive program.
21) In order to be eligible for unemployment insurance, an individual must do all of the following

a. meet their state’s eligibility requirements.
b. follow guidelines such as reporting income and job offers in order to remain eligible for
c. register with their state’s employment service for reemployment assistance or training
program information.
~ file a claim with the appropriate state unemployment insurance agency.
Oecline job offers for 26 weeks in order to remain eligible.
22) If an employer decides to self fund their insurance plan::
a. they contract with a carrier such as HealthAmerica or Blue Cross.
b. they have to follow some state requirements related to benefits.
c. they generally incur higher costs overall.
( / d. catastrophic illnesses are not a concern because there is always sufficient funds in the
t….- Idl plan to pay for those expenses.
V V they can avoid paying premiums and taxes on those premiums.

GEmma is planning for her retirement and wants to have additional insurance which will pay for
any additional help she may need some day with regard to her own personal care, such as
eating and bathing. Emma should consider enrolling in insurance.

a. short term disability
b. long term care
n long term disability
f!Y life
e. point of service

global organizations all of the following are typically true EXCEPT:

‘~J a., offering a health insurance benefit is common across countries.
~ (§/’ executive ransom and kidnap insurance is comm.on for multinational employees.
c. overseas countries typtcally do not offer generous time off programs.
d. social insurance programs in other countries, not just the U.S.have made changes that will
make programs stronger in the future.
e. supplemental health plans are being offered more with the increase of health care costs.
~AII of the following are accurate statements regarding HIPAA EXCEPT,
a. it permits an employee’s children under the ages of 18 to continue their health insurance.
b. the law permits coverage under a prior health plan to count for meeting a preexisting
condition requirement under a new plan as long as coverage is transferred within 63 days.
c. it includes provisions that only allow those who need to have access to an individual’s
‘1) medical information to access it.
V an employer cannot share any health related information about employees with anyone else
without the employee’s permission.
e. it permits employees to have copies of the medical records upon request.
Written Assignment for Unit Three
• Include your name, student number, course number, course title and unit number on each page
of your written assignment (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).
• Begin each written assignment by identifying the question number you are answering followed by
the actual question itself (in bold type).
• Use a standard essay format for responses to all questions (i.e. an introduction, middle
paragraphs and conclusion).
• Responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document only, typed double-spaced, using a
standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size.
Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to written assignments. However,
students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit written assignments
that fall in the following ranges:
Undergraduate courses: 350 – 500 words or 1 – 2 pages.
Graduate courses: 500 – 750 words or 2 – 3 pages.
Doctoral courses: 750 – 1000 words or 4 – 5 pages.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words.Do not simply cut
and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Be sure to refer to
the course Syllabus for more details on plagiarism and proper citation styles.
Please answer ONE of the following:
1) Distinguish between internal alignment and external competitiveness. Why do organizations
need both when designing their compensation system?
2) Examine all of the criteria of an effective incentive plan. Provide an example of a plan that
would meet all of the criteria.
~ Evaluate three programs related to OSHA and employers’ obligation to follow or participate in
~~-~ ‘\~\J

~ \ 1\ \

1J \. \ Multipl Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
\0 \ (.
~ 1)) Union membership has decline~ C2.ver the past several years for all of the following reasons
a. union member wages are significantly lower than non-union employees. v
b employees felt that unions were not doing a good enough job of representing them~/
local unions have lacked the money to spend money on organizing efforts.
jobs that have been traditionally unionized are moving overseas,»>” –.
e. small businesses and the service industry have grown which are both typically non-union
2) All of the following are accurate about the Railway Labor Act EXCEPT:
a. the National Railroad Adjust Board is used to settling minor disputesY”
b. it created the National Mediation Board 10 settle disputesn.>”
~c. it defines major and minor disputes. v/
d. lockouts can be used to settle maio! disputes. \../
C:)it applies to only common carrier rai! services.
a. requires all major disputes to use a mediator to be resolved.
@ established the National Labor Relations Board. -l . .
c. has a provision that employees cannot be forced to JOin a union. f
~liS also known as the National Labor Relations Act. ~
~giVeS m~e po~ to unions rather than employers. I-

4) Right to work laws exist in states.
~ ~~
d. 50
e. 25
hich of the following acts established the F~deral Mediation and Conciliation Service?
Taft-Hartley Act v: .
National Labor Relations Act ‘!(
c. Landrum-Griffin Act j…
.~ W.agner Act””‘)( I
~orriS-LaGUardia Act …<. 209 shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21500,0);(0,0);(0,21500);(21500,21500)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21498,0);(0,0);(0,21484);(21498,21484)posrelh0posrelv0pib .' 6) The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service: a. is an agency that deals with unfair labor practices and secret ballot elections. b. handles strikes which impact an entire industry and threaten the economy. c. is monitored by a board of union stewards from across the country. & prevents labor-management disputes from impeding the free flow of commerce. e. establishes the employee "bill of rights." .~QR Manufacturing has a secret ballot election coming up on Friday morning at 9 a.m. ~~hUrSday night, the management team of PQR holds one final presentation to explain to employees why they should be against the union. Based on this information, which statement is most accurate? shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;8;(16796,0);(0,0);(0,21487);(19873,21487);(19873,18656);(21492,18656);(21492,8916);(16796,8916)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21487,0);(0,0);(0,21496);(21487,21496)posrelh0posrelv0pib 210 ../ I a. Employees must attend the meeting during their break time. ,:. b. The employer is not permitted to have this meeting since it is less than 24 hours until the "- election. ~~mployees must inform the employer as to how they intend to vote. . ~nion literature can be displayed at the meeting to present the union's view. v e. Employees are required to attend this meeting. 8) A union is permitted to: a. have other employees lobby their coworkers throughout the work day to support the union. b. campaign on company property no matter what type of employer it is. CC3' dismiss any grievances it believes have no merit. d. require only union members be hired to work for the employer. e. require the employer to hire more employees than are typically needed to perform the work. -~ - All of the following are accurate statements in regard to neutrality agreements EXCEPT: anagement is prevented from speaking to employees about the impacts a union can have . . J'b. more than 30 of eligible employees must sign cards in order for the bargaining unit to be recogn i zed. vc. the NLRB does not get involved in certifying the union when this agreement exists. ""..J d. employers prefer this process because the union loses its rights. e. this process has a high success rate for the unions . ..t 10) Which of the following requires management and unions to use good faith bargaining when dealing with each other? a. Landrum-Griffin Act b. Norris-LaGuardia Act M Labor Management Relations Act ld./ National Labor Relations Board e. Taft-Hartley Act 11) All of the following are important to a successful negotiation process EXCEPT: a. knowing that arbitration may need to be used if neither party can agree. J b. understanding the expectations of the other party. j realizing that failure to agree may result in a strike. V continually being prepared with statistical and financial information to support your side of the bargaining. accepting that when an impasse occurs facilitation is not an option. - c. d. cY 12) The third party that has been called in to help the union and management come to an agreement has asked that they continue to negotiate late into the evening as it appears they may be getting closer to an agreement. This is an example of: ct? mediation. conc i I iation. c. integration. d. d istri bution. e. arbitration. 13) Both the labor and management have presented the items they would like to see included or excluded from the contract. A third party has reviewed all of the information and determined what items will be part of the final contract and their decision cannot be altered. This is an example of: a. conciliation.c b. distribution. c. integration. d. mediation. ( @ arbitration. / shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;8;(20876,0);(0,0);(0,21491);(19644,21491);(19644,19424);(21500,19424);(21500,13222);(20876,13222)posrelh0posrelv0pib 211 14) ommunity Hospital recently hired two RNs who are now promoting a union to their coworkers. he hospital recently found out that these two employees were actually employees of the union paid to organize their hospital. The two RNs are known as: )6(union shoppers. b. free riders. c. scabs. d. salts. e. union stewards. 15) Labor management issues at a federal level are handled by the: 1 '- \ a. Weingarten Act. b. Occupational Health and Safety Administration. ~. AFL-CIO. (j)J. Federal Labor Relations Authority. e. National Labor Relations Board. 16) Due to changing economic conditions, unions are: shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;10;(18333,0);(0,0);(0,21500);(19387,21500);(19387,15761);(21495,15761);(21495,8771);(18125,8771);(18125,531);(18333,531)posrelh0posrelv0pib 212 a. offering fixed salaries to union members. b. paying a portion of union member dues. c. decreasing their involvement in political campaigns to save costs. d. requiring mandatory overtime as part of their contracts. using more variable pay plans in their contracts. H challenges with which an organization must align its HR practices are all of the following XCEPT: -...b< company characteristj;6 ~ labor force trends y - ....,../'" c. performa~e evaluation systems. ;)(; d. ethics~ .~ e. regulatory issues W I I. 18) Which of the following decisions must be made for every job within an organization? a. Whether the job should be part time or full time. b. How the job should be designed. c. Whether contingent labor can be used to fill the job. d. The types of KSAs required to perform the job. All of the above. shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;6;(21500,0);(0,0);(0,21490);(19876,21490);(19876,11182);(21500,11182)posrelh0posrelv0pib 9) S san is an excellent graphic designer. She is very creative and always receives outstanding fe dback from her customers. In addition, she is dedicated and works hard to complete signments so that she can take on additional work. However, Susan's company cannot afford to upgrade the graph ic design software she currently uses and therefore her work is starting to suffer because she does not have the latest technology in order to continue to enhance her work product. This is an example of atan). a. powerful connection. f... b. internal alignment. " c. external alignment.) ~ deadly combination. 01 uniqueness. shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;6;(18455,0);(0,0);(0,21477);(21497,21477);(21497,13782);(18455,13782)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21500,0);(0,0);(0,21500);(21500,21500)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21477,0);(0,0);(0,21496);(21477,21496)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21484,0);(0,0);(0,21492);(21484,21492)posrelh0posrelv0pib shapeType75fBehindDocument1pWrapPolygonVertices8;4;(21498,0);(0,0);(0,21489);(21498,21489)posrelh0posrelv0pib (~II of the following statements are true about outsourcing EXCEPT: ~ UM~'- asks that do not add strategic value can be outsourced. / . ,. \lOt outsourcing can sometimes increase an organization's costs depending on the nature ® f the task. = -r: -~ - - .- c." these agencies are often the experts and can work more efficiently on a particular task. d. it allows the organization to focus on what it does best to achieve its competitive advantage. v e./ work is sent to another area of the organization to be completed by specialists. --J' hich of the following statements is most accurate when describing the relationships an ization has with its employees? J quid pro quo relationship involves a strong commitment on the part of both the rganization and the employee. b. When employees make a unique contribution they tend to have a relational type of relationship with their organization. c. Relationships that have an economic focus are also more social in nature. d. An emotional connection is found in those relationships which are based on a "fair day's work for a fa i r day's pay." ~ Both the employee and employer have a high level of concern for each other when the 'relationship is focused narrowly on the performance of a specific task. 22) In order to map its employment portfolio, an organization must: a. use contingent labor for all narrowly focused jobs since that is the more cost effective method. b. outsource all positions which require a unique combination of KSAs. ~must weigh the strategic value and uniqueness that each job brings to the organization to L/ determine what type of employment relationship will be created. d. focus on building relational relationships in order to remain competitive. e. define its financial position and then determine what employment arrangements it can afford. ~~~ large health care system is currently using a marketing consultant to help them with their 7 ~arketing and branding strategy so that it can position itself better in its local market.This consultant would be most likely considered- atan). , ~ core employee. ( ~ job-based employee. 1- c. contingent worker. d. alliance worker. . e. alliance partner. lA. 213 O. 'II l' LId o \7hiCh of the following pair of employee type and HR syste~s is most accurate? a. Contract worker and collaborative-based system b. Job-based and productivity-based system c. Core employee and productivity-based system r::.~ob-based and compliance-based system ~ontract worker and alliance partnership =>:> (S:\WhiCh of the following pair has matched an HR practice with an HR activity most
=;>: VappropriatelY?

a. Managing employee attitudes and behaviors with an intensive recruitment process
b’ Work force planning by using an equipment training program
Managing employee competencies with a competitive compensation program
Work design by using a complete and specific job description
e. Work design by using an employee orientation program

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