super easy assembly language hw

The program that will be used to build the assignment is logisim.

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5 bit Comparator

DUE: August 9, 2013

Create a comparator with the following specifications:

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Input: A = 5 bit 2’s complement number
B = 5 bit 2’s complement number

Output: the circuit will compare A and B and set the appropriate output to ‘1’: <, =, >


– You are only allowed to use the basic gates AND, NOT, OR, XOR
– You are NOT ALLOWED to use Logisim’s built-in circuits: multiplexers, encoders,

decoders, etc., however, you are allowed to build your own custom multiplexers,
encoders, decoders, etc using the basic gates (as we did in class).

– The comparator is to be implemented as a sub-circuit.
– You main circuit should be a single comparator with the inputs set up for testing

like the diagram above.
– This is an individual project, NOT a group project.

A: B:

< > =

Submitting Assignment:

– ZIP up all *.circ files and name the file:
– Unzip your files into another folder and TEST IT before submission. Every year,

there is at least one student who turns in a project that is missing files or just
doesn’t work.

– Submit via Blackboard. Do not email assignment.

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