Marketing College Level 4 short assignments

Hello, I have 4 short assignments that I need done at College level by Tuesday at 9am (EST). They involve a little research which each file attached to this will have included in them. Please look through them and let me know if it’s possible to do within the set period of time. Also, it would be much appreciated if they could be done in Microsoft OneNote. If not, then just a regular document should work fine, I’ll just need it a bit sooner so I can organize it in the proper format myself.

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IT Firm Analysis



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The goal of this in class assignment is to examine several IT organizations from around the globe.

Assignment Instructions:

Outsourcing is both a risk and an opportunity for employers and employees in Canada. Please complete the following activities and make notes where appropriate. Be prepared to discuss this information in next class.

1) Using the following list of IT companies:

a. Wipro

b. 1and1

c. InfoSys

d. Mastek

a. Examine the website of each company.

b. Identify from their website the location of their International head office, numbers of employees and total revenue.

c. If you are unable to locate the information in part (a) you will have to resort to other resources to find the info. Please make an honest effort to find the information from the website.

d. What types of services do these companies offer?

2) Does IBM have any offshore workers? Can you find out the approximate percentage of employees that work for IBM work outside of the USA?

3) What is it about India that makes it a great location for outsourcing IT work. You should be able to identify at least three or four reasons.

4) Offshoring nirvana:

a. What is Sealand

i. Does Sealand have its own currency, passports, flag, constitution and government structure?

ii. How large is Sealand; i.e. number of square miles?

B. What was PirateBay?

c. Why did PirateBay want to purchase Sealand?


Viral Marketing


The goal of this in-class assignment is to explore viral marketing and social media.


1. Read the following article on viral marketing;

2. Summarize the article and place your written summary into your OneNote file.

3. Read the following article on social media marketing and summarize the facts presented into your OneNote file;

As usual you can join the discussion on FanLive as it relates to this assignment.


Electronic Wallet



The goal of this in-class assignment is to explore electronic wallet options


1. There are three leading contenders in the mobile wallet market.

a. Google

b. PayPal

c. Square

2. Become familiar with the different solutions(read through the various websites but you don’t need to take notes until step 3):

a. Using the link above go to Google’s website and read about the mobile wallet

b. Do the same for Paypal’s mobile wallet and

c. Go to Square’s Mobile Wallet.

3. Watch the following video that compares the options:

a. Which is the best solution based upon the video. State specifically which product they liked and summarize why they felt it was the best.

As usual you can join the discussion on FanLive as it relates to this assignment.


Enterprise Resource Planning

Answer the following questions:

1. Using your textbook as your only resources… create an appropriate definition for ERP? Do not copy the text directly – paraphrase the information.

2. Search the internet to answer the following information:

a. List the various applications that make up the ERP suite of tools. Put this information in table format; two columns are required.

i. In the first column you should have the type of application (i.e. Customer Relationship Management)

ii. In the second column a brief description of the application.

3. What are the top 5 companies that provide ERP solutions?

4. Find the following by searching the internet.

a. List some of the major advantages and disadvantages to an ERP system. You only need to use one on-line source for this information.

Include this in your OneNote notebook.

As usual you can join the discussion on FanLive as it relates to this assignment.

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