How did Copernicus explain the circular motion of the stars, if the Earth was not at the centre of the…

How did Copernicus explain the circular motion of the stars, if the Earth was not at the centre of the universe?

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ISSUE: Accommodations and Modifications

Read the following case study. Type each of the questions at the end of the case and provide your response. Use your textbook, links provided in the module and conduct research on your own to develop your responses.

Allen is an 11-year-old boy who is currently in the fifth grade. He has been diagnosed with AD/HD since he was in second grade. At that time his teacher and parents had enough concerns that Allen was taken to a pediatrician who specialized in AD/HD. After having his parents and teachers complete several checklists and questionnaires, the pediatrician made the diagnosis of AD/HD, Combined Type, meaning he is both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive. The diagnosis was made using the criteria stated in the most recent Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). At the time of the diagnosis, the parents decided that they did not want to put Allen on medication.

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In class, Allen rarely completed his seatwork. His parents reported that he also would not complete his homework assignments without considerable structuring and coaxing. When he did complete his work he made numerous careless mistakes. His parents were frustrated because even when he completed his homework he often did not turn it in. Allen has always been very active and climbs and jumps on furniture and literally runs around the house. After trying several different teaching strategies his second grade teacher suggested that she meet with the parents to develop a 504 plan. She explained that a 504 plan would allow certain modifications to Allen’s instructional program, such as allowing more time on tests. She also felt that a conference would be important to allow the parents to provide their input and to coordinate efforts between the home and school.

With the implementation of the 504 plan Allen’s performance improved slightly. However, both his teacher and parents reported that he still acted before he thought and got mad if he didn’t get his way or had to do things that he didn’t like (e.g., schoolwork). They also mentioned that Allen was easily frustrated. Allen also had a 504 plan in the third and the fourth grade. These were changed somewhat from year to year but ended with similar results. Different behavior management programs were also tried with varying success. Essentially, Allen was making passing grades, although it required significant diligence on his teachers’ and particularly his parents’ part. In the fifth grade his teacher felt that Allen would experience significant problems transitioning to Middle School unless he could get his behavior under control. At that point, his parents consulted with Allen’s pediatrician and a decision was made to put him on medication, receiving Ritalin twice a day. His behavior improved and his teacher noted that he could spend a lot more time on task. It seemed to take about an hour before the medication took effect so timing was very important. The pediatrician and teacher working together were able to work out a dosage schedule and the teacher continued with educational interventions.


1. What accommodations or modifications would you use to assist Allen in completing his seatwork? (8 points)

a. Provide a rationale for your decisions. (8 points)

2. What suggestions would you give to Allen’s parents to assist him in turning in his homework? (8 points)

a. Provide a rationale for your decisions. (8 points)

3. Based on the information given, what modifications and accommodations would be appropriate for Allen’s 504 plan? (10 points) Remember Section 504 from Module I. Conduct research on your own to develop your response.

a. Provide a rationale for your decisions. (8 points)

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