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Uses journal entries to guide personal and professional goals

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Identifies personal improvement objectives

Includes a detailed action plan with time frames

Describes strategies for achieving personal objectives

Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.

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The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.




Journal Entries

Jeanette Walker


July 27, 2013

Jody Protokowicz

Journal Entries
What will your nursing role be in 5 years?

My nursing role in future will be a mobile clinical educator for an organization. Benner (1984) suggested that as nurses move from a known area of practice, where they have gained expertise, to a new one, they become novices again. This movement into a new role can create tension and anxiety. Some nurses need to be reoriented to skills and knowledge that lack when not being used often. I can personally speak to that matter. Since my journey through school my knowledge has increased in areas and pushes me to become more knowledgeable in nursing. Within the near future I’m considering becoming nurse practitioner, but it’s not a definite answer.
What are the knowledge, skills, and competencies you will obtain to achieve this future goal?
The best way to achieve my future goal is thru continuing education and joining an association. As patient needs and care environments have become more complex, my goal is to attain requisite competencies to deliver high-quality care. These competencies include leadership, health policy, system improvement, research and evidence-based practice, and teamwork and collaboration, as well as competency in specific content areas such as community and public health and geriatrics. The desire to learn to teach, born of a love of both clinical nursing and teaching, cannot be achieved alone, in the dark. Education and mentoring are essential for nurses who are in the process of learning to teach (Cangelosi et al., 2009). Guided dialogue with experienced educators should anticipate the stress and anxiety of expert clinicians as they move into educator roles.

What leadership will you provide to the nursing profession at a local or global level?    
There are several forms of leadership styles such as facilitative, evocative, provocative, directive, and participatory. I have encountered directive and participatory in my work environment. Participatory leadership is the type of leader I am today and will continue to be in the near future on a local level. Participatory allows others to bring forth their knowledge and make them feel like their skills and knowledge count. Allowing other healthcare professional to engage in decision making allows them to be excited about coming to work because of teamwork. Leaders interact with other participants as peers to see what they can discover and create together. In a sense, everyone in a truly co-intelligent system leads in this way by co-creating a group field which influences everyone in it to be and behave in co-intelligent ways, more and more, as the system feeds co-intelligence back into itself. In participatory mode, everyone in the group leads according to their competence, insight, experience, or passion in ways that others can and respect and follow. However my style of leadership will switch to directive when it is effects patient safety. Patient safety supersedes all other factors.

How does nursing education fit in your future?

Nursing is forever changing. Staying update with information keep my skills and knowledge updated with today’s society. Continuing education is one way of to accomplishing updated information. I’m currently enrolled in Masters of Nursing program with the University of Phoenix online with a specialty education. So staying updates is beneficial and will be the best way to educate others in the near future. As stated in above entry my future endeavor is to further my career rather it be doctorate in nursing or nurse practitioner.
Identify three values you will embrace in your future nursing role.

Three values that I will embrace in my future nursing role are respects for others, an advocate for nurses and patient, and work ethics.
Identify personal and professional strengths that will support achieving your

desired future nursing role.
My personal strengths that will support me achieving my future nursing role is the ability to get alone with everybody and dedication. My professional strengths are time management and problem solving.
Identify personal and professional weaknesses that may be challenges you must overcome to achieve your desired future nursing role.
My personal weakness that I need to overcome is letting my feelings get in the way. I let everything bother me such problems other employees encounters or family dynamic amongst resident. I also have a weakness of getting too attached to the patients. However, I am getting better at that part. I believe that these are all attributes of nursing nevertheless; these attributes should not take control over day to day nursing. My professional weakness is critical thinking. I am proficient in it when emergency situation arise. However I would love to be an expert in it. Most of the time, I have problems when I’m sitting around and trying to gather thoughts. I believe that if I can take another class on critical thinking and refreshers course on anatomy and physiology, my skill will increase.
What role might a nursing leader play in the achievement of your goals?

I am current a nurse leader now within my organization. I was a nurse leader when I first started with the company but resign from that role due to not being familiar with the Michigan way. I proceeded to further my education by obtaining my BSN. After obtaining it, I was asked to return to nurse leader role. I decided to give it another try because it is great having that experience on a resume and my future goal is being a nurse educator for a corporation. Having that nurse leader experience will be able to assist me in getting a position as nurse educator by being to operate without a manager at my side to coach or guide me.


Benner, R (1984). From novice to expert Excellence and power in clinical nursing

practice. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley.
Cangelosi, P., Crocker, S., & Sorrell, J. (2009). Expert to novice: Clinicians learning new
roles as clinical nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspectives, 30(6), 367-71.

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