Week 05 Business Capstone Project – Team Building

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this is part 5 of my project


Many organizations like to utilize teams and/or groups in the decision-making process. Analyze your project and decide the best time to involve a group in the decision making process. Prepare a 1-2 page essay that includes the following:

  • The best time to involve a group in the decision making process.
  • Include a description of the members whom you would encourage to be on the team.
  • If you cannot implement a group or team approach, why did you decide to make a solitary decision?


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Selecting a Small Business: Personal Assistant Service

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on July 14, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano

Risk Management and Insurance

Selecting a Small Business: Personal Assistant Service

If you read online news articles on a number of web sites from Yahoo! to Google, you will find a recurring theme. There are books, magazine articles, and television specials related to the problem. There are more things to do in a day than there are hours to do them. Every choice that a person makes whether it is to watch television, read a book, wash their car, or go to the gym has an opportunity cost. There is something that person has to sacrifice doing to complete the task they are working on. Some people are either so busy or so wealthy that they find the solution to this problem in hiring a full time employee as their own personal assistance. Many business people have a personal assistant provided through their company during their workday. Some people have arrangements with another person they employee, such as a nanny or maid, to do other tasks for them that fall into the realm of personal assistant. However, there are many people who do not have the need for a full time personal assistant or the money to pay for one that could use a little extra help from time to time. This may be on a one time basis, while planning a wedding or party, or something a little more regular such as every Thursday when things pile up before the weekend. With more and more families having two parents working and children having more and more activities and events to keep up with, many people would value having a little extra help from time to time.

The business that is being proposed would use this need as an opportunity. It would solve the problem of more tasks to do than there is time to do it. Since there is an opportunity cost and trade of for each choice, it would be up to potential customers whether they would rather pay someone to assist them with certain tasks or try to do it all themselves. The company will advertise itself not as a cleaning service or a babysitting company but as a lifestyle management service. The employees will be background checked, bonded, and insured. They will be available for an array of tasks to assist people including grocery shopping, clothing shopping, picking up and dropping of children from school and extracurricular activities, balancing checkbooks and paying bills, helping with small cooking or cleaning, dropping off and picking up dry cleaning, scheduling appointments, organizing and planning events, and even packing or planning to move. Any errands or tasks that fall into household management would be acceptable. There would be a per hour fee for each client and it would be up to the client how often they want help whether it is one hour per week or more or ten hours for one time only.



Business Letter

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on July 21, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano
B280/GEB2930 Business Capstone

Week 2 Answers

Eddie Feliciano

1358 40th Street

Brooklyn, NY 11218

July 21 2013

NYC Business Solutions Center

9 Bond Street

5th Floor

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Dear NYC Business Solutions Center:

I am in the process of attempting to obtain the permits to be able to start by own business in the Brooklyn area. The company that I am attempting to start would offer personal assistant like services to various clients at an hourly rate rather than people having to hire full time assistants when a few hours each week would be better for them.

Due to the nature of this work, I feel that it would be important for my employees to be background checked and bonded since many clients may have assistants using personal financial information. I have attempted to use the city website to find out about these processes and apply for permits, however, the website is down and under construction. I would like to schedule a meeting so that I may obtain the documents and information I need to start this process. I can be contact at (206)673-1600 at your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.


Eddie Feliciano



Business Ethics

Eddie Feliciano


Author Notes

This research is being submitted on July 28, 2013, for Eddie Feliciano
B280/GEB2930 Business Capstone

Business Ethics

Business ethics is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world. There are a lot of ethical issues that arises when in business. It could be related to the suppliers, their pricing, contracts and even advertising. It is important to have a good business ethic in order for the business to be successful. There are various advantages of ethical behaviors. It can provide higher revenues, improved brand and business awareness and recognition, and better employee motivation and recruitment. Disadvantages include higher costs such as sourcing from suppliers rather than lowest price, and the danger of building up false expectations. Fairness and honesty are big issues, a very complex dilemma especially if this will somehow hurt the business. Since ethics are moral issues, thus making a decision that will have negative effect on the company is going to be tough for the person who will be making the decision. An individual can make either a right or wrong decision, depending on how it will affect his life and work status.

A business will react accordingly to its moral guidelines and principles if the owners and executives do not lose sight on the essential value of fairness. However, if they choose to use legality and profitability as their measurement in determining what is right from wrong then business ethics will surely become irrelevant. There are a lot of business ethical dilemmas that businesses face in order to be successful. In Business, ethical issues are associated with production and supply and demand. If there is a high demand for a product and the company feels they are not producing enough, they may go the sweat shop or child labor route.

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