
I have  new 16  short paragraphs  need a respond for each as feed back either agree or diss agree  as disscusion. each respons must be btween 20 to 60 word for each. need perfuct work. only respond by what do you think

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1- I think every Religion Affects to people.  Every Religion has different points of view and this is reflects to every Person.  we have to respect others religion .  Every religion has different ways to tell us about How can we live in our life to get a good way and what should we do with our environment and how we Respect it.

2- I think that for our worldview concerning the environment has totally been triggered by the negligence of businesses that only care about making money, also I think people are the most dominant creature on earth and must take care of animals and other features of the environment, moreover; Understanding environmental worldviews can help us to understand why people decide to either conserve or exploit vital resources such as water

3- In christianity, God created everything to be equal. Nature, the animals, and us. He wanted us to respect nature and its gifts, instead of squandering it for our own gains. We have abused the gift of nature and are slowly destroying it. The animals are affected by this, and we need to take care of it.

4- I chose to discuss the Christianity viewpoint only because I have been raised in the Christian faith and I feel most comfortable discussing things from the Bible. I think that God created humans first to take care of the other species he had planned to create later. If he wanted all the the creatures to be equal, he would have made them all able to communicate the same. Humans have not done a good job to take care of the other creatures until recently when they’ve noticed a rapid decline in the ecosystems surrounding them. The passage in the textbook is a good reminder of how we should treat the Earth.

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5- There were a lot of interesting materials mentioned in this video. As far as the non-tree paper goes, it is still made of plastic. I don’t see how this is any more helpful to the environment. I thought the recycled water bottles would be very useful. I would have never thought you could make fabric out of them. It seems as if these recycled items can be used for a number of different things, which is always good. 

The PLA box seemed very useful as well. However, she makes a good point in saying that the price is higher. That is the problem with sustainability and environmental protection. Most businesses aren’t going to use eco friendly material if it hurts their profit. Hopefully we will see this material get cheaper in the future.

6- I think we are moving in the right direction for alternative materials.  However, I think it will be a while yet before they are put into practical use.  Papers and plastics are used because they have the appropriate properties and they can be produced cheaply.  Most of the alternative materials have the right properties but they can not be made at an efficient cost.  Looking at it from an environmental stand point, these new materials are great for trees.  However, trees are a renewable resource.  Natural stones are not.  I think we need to keep looking for new alternatives.

7- I thought the video was very interesting.  The strides that recycling has taken over the years is mind boggling.  The idea of making paper that does not contain trees is something I never thought would happen.  The same thing can be said with the idea of turning plastic into cloth.  The only negative thing that I can see aside from the cloth, was the two packages they showed containing products were small.  My idea is the smaller they are, the more of them there are.

8- Plastics have become a huge problem in the oceans. Killing large amounts of sea creatures and releasing toxic material into the air and water. This is needs to be adjusted, our ways of packaging and the material we use needs to be environmentally friendly. The alternative to plastic is an expensive substitute. There has to be a better way.

9- Environmental ethics is all about ways to make the environment a better place with less bad effects in a wide range. Environment Ethics is something about making the Environment beautiful and lovely. It is important because we are part of this environment. We are alive because the essential gases are present in the environment which helps us to breathe and pure air. That’s means being respective to all of the changes and thinking of possible results which could happen before making any decisions.

10- I think environmental ethic means taking care of our earth.  This could be by decreasing the amount of pollution, saving wild life and forests, and taking care of our atmosphere.  I think it has the same definition as ethics in life in general but with the environment in mind.

11- Human Ethics means a lot for our environment, So that we don’t throw anything out of its place. Also, we should clean up our environment from anything that would negatively imact it. So, that would be very good ethics to our environment.

12- Environment Ethics- We as human beings have a social resoponsibility to take care of our environment around us. We need to step up to the plate and take on the challenge of becoming more responsible in the way we throw away waste. Whether that is recyclying or other means of disposale. We need to do it in a way that is going to create a better future. For our kids and the animals that inhabit the environment around us, we need to do a better job.

13- I do fully agree that switching to paper products would drastically reduce pollution.  With that said, I can not say that I fully understand or agree with everything that the speaker said.  The use of recycled paper repeatedly brings up a concern to me.  How durable will this product be years from now?  I would think that after paper is recycled over and over that it will begin to lose some of its strength and durability.  I could be wrong, but that is the feeling that I get.  Also, I am confused on how this will impact our forests less?  I would think the more paper based products we use, the more trees we will be cutting down.  I would be anxious to hear some more solid evidence backing up his statements.  I did find it a little surprising that some countries have banned the use of plastic bags.  Overall I thought the speaker did a good job presenting.  I just don’t think that after watching that I’m on the “All paper everything” train.

14- I agree with the speaker that paper is a good product to use for packaging in the near future. He brought up a good point when he noted how much space is wasted by round containers being packaged, verses if the containers were being packed in square paper units, more could be placed per area. It suprises me that the United States has not taken such drastic measures in reducing the amount of plastic used. We should take after India and only allow stores to use paper bags that are made of recycled paper and can be recycled again. The idea for the wood chip burns is a good idea, but I think it is one that would take a lot of time and funding. For now, America should really focus on majorly cutting back on plastic use and increase the amount of paper used. 

15- it is obvious how the use of plastic products is threatening our environment and I totally agree with the speaker about the use of paper products instead. TheIndian action toward banning the use of plastic products should be applied all over the world to end up with clean and helathy environment.I am not sure of the cost of paper products comparing with plastic products, but I think paper products are more expensive and may be this is the reason of using palstic products more than paper. 

16- I find this video very interesting because it discusses the alternatives of plastic in packaging. After viewing the video, I believe that it is more beneficial to use paper in packaging. It is important to note that it is easy to recycle paper and peopel can get rid of it easily than plastic. Using paper in packaging can save the environment because paper can not be toxic. Unlike paper, using plastic in packaging can harm nature because it doesn’t dissolve easily and remain in its shape for many years which can be very toxic to the environment. I think that paper is a good alternative to plastic because people do not have trouble with paper packaging and it usually does not take space in the trash cans. People should start thinking about using more paper packaging products and reduce the use of plastic in order to save the earth and be friendly to the environment.

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