HCA 340 Managing Multidisciplinary Professionals

Dr. White ordered an unusual dose of a medication for  a patient.  May Patterson, RN, sees the order and believes it to be the wrong  dose.  She is afraid to call Dr. White because he can be abrasive at times.  Nurse Patterson asks the charge nurse who is not as familiar with the patient to  call the doctor. The charge nurse calls Dr. White. He insists that he knows what  is best for the patient and insists that the medication will be given as  written.  The charge nurse calls you, the administrator on call for the weekend,  to resolve the issue.   1.   What principles of effective teamwork have  broken down?  2.   How will you work to resolve the issue?    3.   List  and describe five potential strategies for conflict resolution within this  team.           a.   What types of information will you need to collect to  have an intelligent conversation with this physician?           b.   Who  should be involved in this situation, and the discussion with Dr. White, and  why? 4.   Which conflict resolution strategy is likely to be most successful?  

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