There will always be…….

There will always be issues between Caucasian and African American’s,  I believe that this (not all) of European group will never look at African American’s as equal.  But they readily accept other groups, accept for Hispanics but they seem more accepting of that group.  Thursday evening my son and his wife had a little dinner party at a restaurant for her birthday.  The wait was kind of long so I went outside to get some air. The restaurant had a wine tasting affair the was ending.  Two white American’s males came out and one was a little intoxicated.  He looked at me and said “I hate that (the n word) Obama!”  I was to out done.  I could not let that go.  I said what did you say?  His friend said “he didn’t mean that and he’s a little drunk.”  I said well you know what they say that a drunk tongue speaks a sober thought!  I told him that he is a human being and did you know his mother is white? I am very faired skin he may have thought I was white?  I told him that my mother was white so what does that make me?  His friend was trying hard to make him shut up and then he said that he was born in South Africa…like that was changing something.  I said, “You are still human and deserve to be respected as the President should be…and go with God!  I normally would not have said anything but I could not help myself.  He was looking for a response and he got one.  We have a long way to go in America with race relations and the playing field is changing as we are becoming more diverse and other culture’s are in our country.  WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS?

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