In the early years……..

In the early years of life we have leads growing up that help us to have impressions of some people even before we become acquainted with the individuals.  Sad as it may be, stereotyping can occur for certain groups. In addition, differences that happen are often faint and can lead to uncomfortable situations.  “Culture is a way of life of a group of people, beliefs, values and symbols that are accepted generally without thinking about them and they are held and passed on down by initiation and communication from one generation to the next” (Chaney & Martin, 2011, p. 205).   Taking ill of another’s cultural is valid, but if you research another culture then you can equip yourself with the knowledge to not take ill when dealing with individuals who differ from the group you are accustom to.  That would include business communication, group, communities, and personally. What is your thoughts on this.

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