english essay

i need a proposing essay which have 3-4 pages(around 5 paras) , double spaced and time news roman 12 text.

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It also required 4-5 citaions which will show in the back page in MLA format.

Provided at least 3 possible solutions and explain hows it works.Intro para should points out the currently problem.


The topic i picked is A solution for teen gaming addiction

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Ngai Lam Wong Oscar


Com 101

25th July 2013

A solution for teen gaming addiction

The result of developing technology has become a potential issue around the teenagers’ world. Like drug and gambling addictions, playing video games leads to the release of endorphins that create a sense of contentment. As a video game addiction demands all the free time of a teen or young adult, the result is often the deterioration of socialization and communication skills. The virtual world involves none of the risk of real life situations and allows the player more time to make snap decisions. If the player makes a mistake, video games allow him or her to go back and redo the action. It is difficult to help them seek video game addiction treatment while retaining a normal life. In addition, providing a treatment, having self-monitoring or getting rid of the games are the viable ways to cut the addiction off.


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