PSY 304 Ashford Week 5 Final Paper

Final Paper

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As we age from children to adults, we encounter changes in the biological/physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional domains of development. 

Using the Life-Span Approach as your reference, analyze the multidimensional nature of human development through a discussion of the changes that occur in the domains of development throughout the stages of the lifespan (listed below). Describe the biological, cognitive, and socio-emotional changes that influence our development during the stages. Use the schematics and figures in your textbook to describe these changes.

Stages of the Lifespan:

  • Early to Late Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Early Adulthood
  • Middle Adulthood
  • Late Adulthood and End of Life

In addressing each of these stages, also discuss the following:

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  1. What are the primary theories involved with human development?
  2. What are the influences of family structures, culture, and environment on human development?
  3. What key research findings have led to our understanding of processes involved with human development?


The summative assignment should build upon the concepts learned in weeks one through five, and should be 8-10 pages in length.  Students must use at least 5 sources to support their analysis.  

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