PADM530 week 1-8 all forum and case analysis

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Current Event Analysis #1 

As you are all aware, campaign finance issues and concerns are being revisited in light of the current election season.   Present any current debate or legislation that is believed to be the foundation of this action.  Provide content on the provisions as well as all relevant information and references to present the full position of the legislation. Explain in detail the myriad of public policy implications regarding this debate.  
Please review relevant articles, news reports, or texts (for background information) that will assist in building the content around this discussion.  You will submit a  1 1/2 page paper (not counting references) analysis that is expected to incorporate public policy concepts from the “Policy Paradox” text along with a demonstration as to how they relate to this particul
ar event
. Please remember to identify the political vs. policy dimensions of raising the legisl
and provide an assessment regarding possible outcomes. 


Current Event Analysis #2


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As you are all aware, there are a host of local, regional and national issues surrounding public policy, public service and concerns within the public sector.  These issues taken together tell a national story and provide a narrative that describes the impact of policy, the recession, the wars and the implications that a tight credit market has on everyone.  
Chose a current event related to your state, city, community or region that has impacted your area and changed the thinking or practices as a result of it occurring.  Please provide a time frame (must be a recent event; can be ongoing but must be recent) for the event and remember to provide all essential information to build the content regarding an event that I may or may not be aware of.
Please review relevant articles, news reports, or texts (for background information) that will assist in building the content around this discussion.  You will submit a  1 1/2 page paper (not counting references) analysis that is expected to incorporate public policy concepts from the “Policy Paradox” text along with a demonstration as to how they relate to this event or policy in the future. Please remember to identify the political vs. policy dimensions of the event and provide an assessment regarding possible outcomes, resolutions or compromises. 





Forums / Week One Discussions / Discussion Question #1


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  

Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the course text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   
Article: Roger Smith. (1993, Sept.). Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal and Hartz: The multiple traditions in America. American Political Science Review, 8, (3), 549-66.  You can access the article via the web resources link or directly from the online library.  – This article is a study of the the US political culture for the period 1870-1920. It illustrates the conflictual and contradictory product of multiple political traditions. Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” Gunnar Myrdal’s “American Dilemma” and Louis Hartz’s “Liberal Tradition in America” are critiqued.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #1 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 1 topics.  Questions to consider are (These are only suggestions, not required):  1. Does the article address the market model of governance? If so how?  2. How is the concept of “polis” described in the article? What are the “common problems”?  3. Is income redistribution a factor in the article? if so, how?  4. Were resources equally distributed? Were deviations legitimate in terms of other social goals?  Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.


Discussion Question #2 ( 51 messages – 46 unread )
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Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.   Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.   The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   

This discussion involves Journal Article:

Moon, Jae M. & DeLeon, Peter. (2001, July). Municipal reinvention: Managerial values and diffusion among municipalities. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 11, (3), 327-352.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #2 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to Module 2 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Questions to consider are:  1. How does the article relate to the concept of efficiency within the context of the public policy?  2. Is there an equality-efficiency trade-off?  3. What are the dimensions of need outlined in the article?  4. Is there a security-efficiency trade-off?


Forum 3


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.   Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.   The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.    This discussion involves Journal Article: Lemley, Ellen C. & Russell, Gregory D. (2002). Implementing restorative justice by “groping along:” A case study in program evolutionary implementation. Justice System Journal, 23, (2), 157-192.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #3 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to Module 3 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Consider the following questions in your postings:  1. Are there concepts of liberty in the article? If so, what is the liberty-security trade-off?  2. Are there symbolic representations of a policy problem? If so, are they symbolic devices of narrative stories, synecdoche, metaphors or ambiguous?


Discussion Question #4


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.   Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.   The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.      This discussion involves Journal Article: : Behn, Robert D. (2003, Sep-Oct). Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures. Public Administration Review, 63, (5), 586.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #4 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 4 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Questions to consider in your postings are:  1. In this article, are numbers evaluated as metaphors?  2. Can these numbers be analyzed as norms and symbols?  3. How is the assessment measured in the polis?  4. Is there a causal story? If so, what is the problem definition?


Discussion Question #5


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.   Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.   The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.    This discussion involves Journal Article: Bianco, William T. (1998, Oct). Different paths to the same result: Rational choice, political psychology and impression formation in campaigns. American Journal of Political Science, 42, (4), 1061-1082.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #5 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 5 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Consider the following questions in your postings:  1. What is of “interest” in the article? How are these interests mobilized in the polis?  2. How do issues and interests define each other in the article?  3. Does the concept of rational decision apply to the article?  4. What is decision-making as it relates to the polis?  5. Is there a decision-analysis strategy?


Forum 6

The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.    This discussion involves Journal Article: Pierce, W. David, Banko, Katherine M., & So, Sylvia. (2003, Fall). Positive effects of rewards and performance standards on intrinsic motivation. The Psychological Record, 53, (4), 561.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #6 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 6 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Consider the following questions in your postings:  1. How are inducements used in the polis from this article? Is there a difference between inducements in the rationality model and the polis model?  2. Are there examples of good rules? How does it apply to rule-making in the polis?


Forum 7


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center. Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer. 

Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources. The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument. Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors. 

 The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.

�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week? Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)

�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)

�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)

�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)

The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course. Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.  

This discussion involves Journal Article:

Cobb, Michael D. & Kuklinski, James H. (1997, Jan). Changing Minds: Political arguments and political persuasion. American Journal of Political Science

Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #7 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 7 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.


Consider the following questions:

 1. Are there two faces of persuasion in the article?

 2. Are there examples of information and propaganda?

 3. How can the use of persuasion within the context of the rational-democratic model, the totalitarian model and the polis model be described in this article?

 4. What are the concepts of rights in the polis as it relates to the topic?

 5. Can rights be evaluated as policy instruments?


Forum 8

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.   Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.   The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.   �    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.) �    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?) �    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?) �    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?) The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.    This discussion involves Journal Article:  Acemoglu, Daron & Robinson, James A. (2001, Sep). Inefficient redistribution. The American Political Science Review, 95, (3), 649-662.  Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #8 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 8 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.  Consider the following questions:  1. Does the impulse to restructure authority (constitutional engineering) apply in this article? Why/Why not?  2. What is the impact of redefining membership in the polis?  3. What are the arguments for centralization versus decentralization?  4. Is there value to political reasoning as s



Week One Discussions
 / Discussion Question #1


Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the course text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   

Article: Roger Smith. (1993, Sept.). Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal and Hartz: The multiple traditions in America. American Political Science Review, 8, (3), 549-66. 
You can access the article via the web resources link or directly from the online library. 

This article is a study of the the US political culture for the period 1870-1920. It illustrates the conflictual and contradictory product of multiple political traditions. Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” Gunnar Myrdal’s “American Dilemma” and Louis Hartz’s “Liberal Tradition in America” are critiqued. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #1 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 1 topics. 
Questions to consider are (These are only suggestions, not required): 
1. Does the article address the market model of governance? If so how? 
2. How is the concept of “polis” described in the article? What are the “common problems”? 
3. Is income redistribution a factor in the article? if so, how? 
4. Were resources equally distributed? Were deviations legitimate in terms of other social goals? 
Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.

Discussion Question #2 ( 51 messages – 46 unread ) 

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Please respond to the following question.

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Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  
The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   

This discussion involves Journal Article:

Moon, Jae M. & DeLeon, Peter. (2001, July). Municipal reinvention: Managerial values and diffusion among municipalities. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 11, (3), 327-352. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #2 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to Module 2 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Questions to consider are: 
1. How does the article relate to the concept of efficiency within the context of the public policy? 
2. Is there an equality-efficiency trade-off? 
3. What are the dimensions of need outlined in the article? 
4. Is there a security-efficiency trade-off?

Forum 3

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  
The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   
This discussion involves Journal Article: Lemley, Ellen C. & Russell, Gregory D. (2002). Implementing restorative justice by “groping along:” A case study in program evolutionary implementation. Justice System Journal, 23, (2), 157-192. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #3 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to Module 3 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Consider the following questions in your postings: 
1. Are there concepts of liberty in the article? If so, what is the liberty-security trade-off? 
2. Are there symbolic representations of a policy problem? If so, are they symbolic devices of narrative stories, synecdoche, metaphors or ambiguous?


Discussion Question #4

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  
The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   
This discussion involves Journal Article: : Behn, Robert D. (2003, Sep-Oct). Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures. Public Administration Review, 63, (5), 586. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #4 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 4 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Questions to consider in your postings are: 
1. In this article, are numbers evaluated as metaphors? 
2. Can these numbers be analyzed as norms and symbols? 
3. How is the assessment measured in the polis? 
4. Is there a causal story? If so, what is the problem definition?

Discussion Question #5

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  
The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   
This discussion involves Journal Article: Bianco, William T. (1998, Oct). Different paths to the same result: Rational choice, political psychology and impression formation in campaigns. American Journal of Political Science, 42, (4), 1061-1082. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #5 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 5 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Consider the following questions in your postings: 
1. What is of “interest” in the article? How are these interests mobilized in the polis? 
2. How do issues and interests define each other in the article? 
3. Does the concept of rational decision apply to the article? 
4. What is decision-making as it relates to the polis? 
5. Is there a decision-analysis strategy?

Forum 6

The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   

This discussion involves Journal Article: Pierce, W. David, Banko, Katherine M., & So, Sylvia. (2003, Fall). Positive effects of rewards and performance standards on intrinsic motivation. The Psychological Record, 53, (4), 561. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #6 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 6 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Consider the following questions in your postings: 
1. How are inducements used in the polis from this article? Is there a difference between inducements in the rationality model and the polis model? 

2. Are there examples of good rules? How does it apply to rule-making in the polis?

Forum 7

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center. Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer. 

Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources. The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument. Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors. 

 The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.

�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week? Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)

�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)

�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)

�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)

The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course. Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.  

This discussion involves Journal Article:

Cobb, Michael D. & Kuklinski, James H. (1997, Jan). Changing Minds: Political arguments and political persuasion. American Journal of Political Science

Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #7 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 7 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims.


Consider the following questions:

 1. Are there two faces of persuasion in the article?

 2. Are there examples of information and propaganda?

 3. How can the use of persuasion within the context of the rational-democratic model, the totalitarian model and the polis model be described in this article?

 4. What are the concepts of rights in the polis as it relates to the topic?

 5. Can rights be evaluated as policy instruments?

Forum 8

Articles for the Discussion Question are assigned from professional journals and are available via the Online Research Center.  Students must provide a critical review of these articles and substantially reply to the contributions of at least one peer.  
Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the article and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can bolster your argument.  Postings and replies should be 250 – 300 words in length and free of any spelling or grammar errors.  
The following criteria are used to grade your discussion group submissions.
�    Timeliness (Did the student contribute throughout the week?  Post early to allow fellow students ample time to review and respond to your postings.)
�    Use of External Resources, Citations, and Resources (Did student perform independent research and cite sources from scholarly academic journals or recognized research institutions?)
�    Quality (Is the submission professional, focused, pertinent, and free of grammar and spelling errors?)
�    Participation and Classroom Interaction (Did the student substantially respond and interact with other student postings in a collegial and/or critical manner?)
The Discussion Groups are designed to enhance (and evaluate) student participation and interaction during the course.  Accordingly, your interaction with other students will be part of the grading calculus.   

This discussion involves Journal Article: 
Acemoglu, Daron & Robinson, James A. (2001, Sep). Inefficient redistribution. The American Political Science Review, 95, (3), 649-662. 
Upon review, post (and respond to postings) under Discussion Question #8 your thoughts and analysis of the article as it relates to module 8 topics. Utilize external resources as necessary to support your opinions and claims. 
Consider the following questions: 
1. Does the impulse to restructure authority (constitutional engineering) apply in this article? Why/Why not? 
2. What is the impact of redefining membership in the polis? 
3. What are the arguments for centralization versus decentralization? 
4. Is there value to political reasoning as strategic representation?

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