PADM520 all assignments

week 1

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Assignment Instructions

Please analyze the article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. The article can be found in the “Resources” section in the “articles” folder. Please critically review the following article, paying close attention to its relationship to this week’s objectives and the other readings. Reinhard, G. Y. (2008). An “I” on Congress: The process and products of Congressional investigations. PS, Political Science & Politics, 41, 666-669.  

Your paper

should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list.

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Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. Your name and the week of the assignment should be at the top of the paper and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file. 

This essays should be a min of 750 words and use multiple scholarly sources. 


week 2


Please analyze the article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. The article can be found in the “Resources” section in the “articles” folder. Please critically review the following article, paying close attention to its relationship to this week’s objectives and the other readings. Wong, K. (2008). Federalism revised: The promise and challenge of the No Child Left Behind Act. Public Administration Review: Special Issue on The Winter Commission Report Revisited, 68, S175-S185. doi: 

1594819381; r

etrieved from ABI/INFORM Global PLEASE NOTE: This article is from 2008 and there have been a lot of changes to NCLB. Please use other sources to analyze these changes in terms of federalism, paying special attention to the administrative issues.

Post your paper as an attached Word file. It 

should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list.Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. Your name and the week of the assignment should be at the top of the paper and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file.  

Week 4


Please analyze the article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. The article can be found in the “Resources” section in the “articles” folder. Please critically review the following article, paying close attention to its relationship to this week’s objectives and the other readings. Ballenstedt, B. (2008). Bring ’em back. Government Executive, 40(8), 16-17.  The article can be found in the Resources section of the classroom. 

Post your paper as an attached Word file. It should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list. Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. Your name and the week of the assignment should be at the top of the paper and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file.  Week 5 Please analyze the article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. Analyze the following article:Hanbury, G., Sapat, A., & Washington, C. (2004). Know yourself and take charge of your own destiny: The “Fit Model” of leadership.Public Administration Review, 64, 566-576. Post your paper as an attached Word file. It should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list. Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. Your name and the week of the assignment should be at the top of the paper and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file.  Week 6 Please analyze the article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. Post your paper as an attached Word file. It should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list. The article below can be found at Please critically review it, paying close attention to its relationship to this week’s objectives and the other readings. Stout, D. (2006, May 30). Justices set limits on public employees’ speech rights. New York Times. Retrieved from www.nyt.comWeek 8 Assignment InstructionsPlease analyze an article below in terms of this week’s unit. Make sure you draw connections to the text and support your argument using examples. Chose from one of the two articles. The articles can be found in the “Resources” section in the “articles” folder. Please critically review the following article, paying close attention to its relationship to this week’s objectives and the other readings.  Shingler, J., Van Loon, M.E., Alter, T.R., & Bridger, J.C. (2008). The importance of subjective data for public agency performance evaluation. Public Administration Review, 68, 1101-1111. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global  Your paper should be 1-2 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list. Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. Your name and the week of the assignment should be at the top of the paper and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file.  Case 1 Assignment InstructionsIn the “Resources” section I have placed case studies of actual events and situations that arise in the day-to-day world of policy and public administration. Review the case studies and select one that you wish to analyze.  Prepare a written analysis, generally following the guidelines posted in the folder (and summarized here). Please see the “Case Study Format” document which is posted in your folder. This outlines the format you should follow and addresses the purpose and focus of a case study. Generally, the intent is to identify and evaluate the administrative issues that led to the event described in the case study, and propose solutions.Your analysis should be approximately 3-5 single-space pages in length, not including quotations, lists, or the reference list. Parenthetic citations and the reference list will be in APA format. The attached paper should have a title, your name and the date should be at the top of the paper, and your last name should be at the beginning of the title of the electronic file. The assignment is due by Sunday. Guidelines: The central issue in your analysis should be to describe what the case tells us about the theory and practice of public administration. There is no one best way to address this. Thus, as you think about the answer to this primary question, you will need to develop your own framework for answering it. Some general questions that you may want to consider include the following:What are the issues and what are they issues?Who are the actors?What are the organizational forces? What are the external forces?What theoretical perspectives or models help you understand what happened in the case? How? What does the case tell us about:The environment within which public administration occurs?The nature of the policy system and the policy making process?The decision making process?Leadership and management?Administrative ethics?What recommendations would I make?How would I propose to do things differently? In analyzing the case, you should draw upon class readings and Internet resources as well as personal experiences that may be relevant. Do not spend much space in the paper describing case events, but instead focus on analysis. 

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