Plagiarizer essay

Essay about why not to plagerize stuff. Directions in attachment.

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Part I:

Defining Plagiarism

Plagiarism occurs when a person poses as the author of work belonging to someone else, whether that work is copyright protected or not. Paraphrasing another person’s words can qualify as plagiarism, if the paraphrasing too closely resembles the original source or uses its original ideas without significant alteration or reinterpretation. Furthermore, copyright law states that proper credit must be given for ideas, facts, or words borrowed from another author. Quotations must always be attributed to their source.

Read the following passage taken word for word from an Internet web site.

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Choirs are singing sacred music, their voices echo through the halls; priests are speaking Latin and reading illuminated scrolls. Monks and nuns are following their orders, sewing or opening the door to travelers, the sick and poor. There are whispers of meditating and prayers. You can hear the shuffling of feet everywhere. This is the sound of a monastery in the Middle Ages. (Lisa. School Page: Mrs. Sunda’s class, Kyrene de las Brisas School, Arizona. “Monks and Nuns of the Middle Ages.” n. d. .)

Which of the following (more than one) would constitute plagiarizing the quotation above?

1. Choirs are singing sacred music, their voices echo through the halls; priests are speaking Latin and reading illuminated scrolls. Monks and nuns are following their orders, sewing or opening the door to travelers, the sick and poor. There are whispers of meditating and prayers. You can hear the shuffling of feet everywhere. This is the sound of a monastery in the Middle Ages.

2. Choirs are singing sacred music, their voices echo through the halls; priests are speaking Latin and reading illuminated scrolls.

3. Choirs sang sacred music, so that their voices echoed through the halls. Priests spoke Latin and read illuminated scrolls.

4. The sounds of a monastery include: singing sacred songs, whispers of meditating and prayers, and the shuffling of feet.

5. Life in a monastery was not dull and boring. The monks and nuns were busy all day doing chores such as sewing and giving aid to the poor. During part of the day they sang holy songs and quietly said their prayers, always in Latin.

6. Hubert sat quietly in his cell, whispering his prayers in Latin as he toyed with his wooden rosary. Down the hall he heard the nuns whisper a welcome to a tired traveler. He heard a tiny bell ringing, calling him to the choir to sing the nightly sacred song. It was a quiet life, but to Hubert, it was fulfilling and peaceful. 

Part II:

Practice Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is hard concept for many students. Please read this page


for an excellent discussion about successful vs. unsuccessful paraphrasing.

1. In the space below, rewrite the paragraph from Part I so that only the information, not the language or expression, is the same. Note: You would still cite the original source, even after rewriting the paragraph.


Read the following passage take word for word from an internet web site.

· Simply put, geometry is the study of the size, shape and position of 2 dimensional shapes and 3 dimensional figures. However, geometry is used daily by almost everyone. In geometry, one explores spatial sense and geometric reasoning. Geometry is found everywhere: in art, architecture, engineering, robotics, land surveys, astronomy, sculptures, space, nature, sports, machines, cars and much more.

( Mathematics


· In the space below, rewrite this paragraph so that only the information, not the language or expression, is the same. Note: You would still cite the original source, even after rewriting the paragraph.

3. Read the following passage take word for word from the University of Southern California’s Student Handbook.

· What constitutes academic dishonesty
at USC is spelled out in the “University Governance” section of the SCampus student guidebook ( Academic dishonesty is any act that gains or is intended to gain an unfair academic advantage for a student or that circumvents an instructor’s course standards.

This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism (using someone else’s work in any academic assignment without properly citing the source and indicating quoted material), cheating (such as using crib notes during an exam, permitting another to copy work or submitting work not completed by the student), unauthorized collaboration (preparing academic assignments with another person without faculty authorization) or falsifying academic records (including falsified medical excuses or misrepresentation of official records). As outlined in SCampus, the university recommends a grade of “F” in a course for any found act of academic dishonesty. ( )

· In the space below, rewrite these paragraphs so that only the information, not the language or expression, is the same. Note: You would still cite the original source, even after rewriting the paragraph.

4. Read the following passage take word for word from a website.

· The term “crepuscular” refers to the hours of dawn and dusk. Crepuscular animals include those species that are active at dawn, dusk, or both. Some animals are mistakenly considered to be nocturnal although they are actually crepuscular.

Most crepuscular animals tend to be desert dwellers that remain at rest during the harsh heat of day and the bitter chill of night. Snakes, mice, lizards, and some rabbits use broad daylight and late-night hours for resting in their respective shelters. By mating and foraging for food during the more temperate hours, crepuscular animals are able to conserve precious energy and still pursue those activities that contribute to propagating the species.



· In the space below, rewrite these paragraphs so that only the information, not the language or expression, is the same. Note: You would still cite the original source, even after rewriting the paragraph.

Part III:

Research Assignment

Plagiarism is a serious infraction upon the academic code for students at all levels (from elementary school through doctoral college programs). Your assignment will be to create an 800+ word report citing a minimum of five sources cited using MLA formatting. Instructions for MLA formatting can be found in the introduction chapter to this class.

Your presentation/report must include:

· a title page

· a bibliography

· the roots of the word plagiarism

· at least three types of plagiarism

· at least four reasons students cannot plagiarize their work

· examples of how at least 4 colleges or universities handle plagiarism infractions. Be specific here. Research the student handbooks of different colleges and universities and tell me the consequences of plagiarism for 4 different ones.

· provide at least four methods students can utilize to prevent submitting plagiarized work

· explore how scientists avoid plagiarism in scientific writing. This is particularly important since a step of the scientific method includes reviewing previous research done on this topic and interpreting these results in your own words.

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