PADM520 week 8 discussion

Please analyze and respond to the following article: Van Ryzin, G. G., Immerwahr, S., & Altman, S. (2008). Measuring street cleanliness: A comparison of New York City’s scorecard and results from a citizen survey. Public Administration Review, 68, 295-303. Retrieved March 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1435702201). Be sure to reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts, and always cite your sources. Tie this article in to the readings for the week and react to this research methodology and its implications for Public Administration. The article can be found in the Article folder in the Resources section of your classroom. 

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Each week, students provide a critical review of the questions and substantially reply to the contributions of at least two peers.  Individual postings should include an evaluation of the content of the forum questions and explain how it relates to the concepts in the text and other external resources.  The postings should be analytic in nature and include comparisons/contrasts and examples that can support your argument.  

Your essay should be posted by midnight Friday and be approximately 750 words. 

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