MGMT 317 Organizational Behavior quiz

quiz 6

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Question 1


Max Ringelmann s findings that people may not work as hard in groups because their individual contributions are less noticeable in the group context are known as __________

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Question 2


The __________ stage of team development marks the emergence of a mature, organized, and well-functioning team.


Question 3


Tasks that are complex in social demands require unique solutions and more information processing, whereas task that are complex in technical demands involve difficulties in reaching agreement on goals or methods for accomplishing them.







Question 4


An example of social facilitation occurs when



a team achieves more together than they would have individually.


people work less hard in teams than they would individually.


an athlete performs in front of an enthusiastic hometown audience.


a lack of preparedness motivate a novice, nervous speaker to perform better.


people work together via computer networks.

Question 5


In his studies on how people cope with the challenge of entering a team, Edgar Schein labeled individuals who show extraordinary support for others, behave in a dependent way, and seek alliances in subgroups or cliques as __________.


Question 6


Which of the following statements provide an accurate description of homogeneous teams?







homogeneous teams have members who are similar with respect to such variables as age, gender, race, experience, ethnicity, and culture.

members of homogeneous teams experience difficulty in building social relations and engaging in the interactions needed for teamwork.

homogeneity does not limit the team in terms of ideas, viewpoints, and creativity.

team members have diverse cultures and lifestyles.

members of homogeneous teams have different backgrounds and experience.


Question 7


When a team achieves its performance goals regarding quantity, quality, and timeliness of work results, the __________ characteristic of team effectiveness is being demonstrated.







task performance.

member satisfaction.

team viability.

team changeability.

team excellence.


Question 8


The potential advantages of group decision making include more knowledge and expertise being applied to the problem, more alternatives being considered, greater understanding and acceptance of the final decision, and more commitment among group members to making the final decision work.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False


Question 9


Members of a true self-managing work team make decisions on all of the following EXCEPT:







establishing strategy and providing resources to achieve it.

scheduling work and allocating tasks.

training for job skills and evaluating performance.

selecting new team members.

controlling the quality of work.


Question 10


. Decision by _____________is often done by providing a suggestion and then forcing quick agreement by challenging the group with such statements as Does anyone object?…No? Well, let s go ahead then.







majority rule.

lack of response.

authority rule.


minority rule.


Question 11


The interacting team pattern results in a centralized communication network in which all team members communicate directly and share information with one another.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  

Question 12


In the storming stage of team development, members are interested in getting to know each other and discovering what is considered acceptable behavior, in determining the real task of the team, and in defining team rules.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  

Question 13


Wheel and chain communication networks are other names for __________.







restricted communication networks.

parallel communication networks.

centralized communication networks.

synergistic communication networks.

hierarchical communication networks.


Question 14


The formal retreat approach to team building offers opportunities for intense and concentrated effort to examine group accomplishments and operations.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  

Question 15


Team cohesiveness tends to be low when members are similar in age, attitudes, needs, and backgrounds.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  

Question 16


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the norming stage of team development?







the turmoil of the preceding stage gives way to a precarious balancing of forces.

holding the team together may become more important to some members than working on the team s tasks.

minority viewpoints, deviations from group directions, and criticism are welcomed as members experience a preliminary sense of closeness.

team members experience a new sense of harmony.

some team members may mistakenly perceive this stage as one of ultimate maturity


Question 17


Employee involvement teams describe a wide variety of teams whose members meet regularly to collectively examine important workplace issues.

Answer[removed] True  [removed] False 

Question 18


In a(n) __________ to team building, the manager, team leader, or group members themselves take responsibility for regularly engaging in the team-building process.







formal retreat approach.

employee participation approach.

outdoor experience approach.

continuous improvement approach.

incremental enhancement approach.


Question 19


The __________ is the tendency for increasing diversity among team members to make it harder for them to work together, even though the diversity itself offers improved potential for problem solving.


Question 20


The __________ characteristic of team effectiveness is being demonstrated when the members of a team are sufficiently satisfied to continue working well together on an ongoing basis and/or look forward to working together again at some future point in time.


[removed] member satisfaction.


[removed] team excellence.[removed] team viability.[removed] team changeability.

team endurance.


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