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ENGL 100

Comparison Paragraph Instructions

Topics: Choose two items to either compare or contrast. Use any one or any combination of prewriting strategies to generate topic ideas. There is also a list of suggested topics in your textbook. Your paragraph must be at least 200 words.

Plan: Either choose to show the similarities between two things or the differences. You cannot do both for this assignment. Just write “similarities” or “differences” here.

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Attitude/Point: This should be your attitude toward your two subjects. Do not just write that they are similar or different. What truth or significance can be drawn from the fact that they are similar or different?

Audience: Be specific in selecting your audience. Who would be interested in hearing this comparison and the point you want to make? Who would benefit from acknowledging the significance of your comparison?

Purpose: To inform? To entertain? To persuade? Choose one or perhaps a combination of two.

Categories of Comparison: You must have at least three general categories where your two subjects are similar or different. (Like comparing LU now with LU then based on food service, rules, and dress code)

Topic Sentence: Combine your topic, your attitude/point into a complete sentence, and your categories of comparison into a sentence. (See sample outlines for a topic sentence example.)

Brainstorm Details: Brainstorm a list of similarities (or differences) for each of your three categories of comparison.

Complete each of the steps in the Comparison Paragraph Drafts document and submit it in Module/Week 5’s assignment link. This assignment is due by Monday at 11:59 p.m. (ET) of Module/Week 5.

Outline Examples

(Choose Only One of the Two Following Methods)

1. Point By Point Comparison Outline Method

Topic Sentence: The fact that LU tries to keep up with the changes in student population can be seen in their changes to dress code, food services, and rules.

I . The dress code at Liberty has relaxed.

A. Then, girls had to wear skirts and guys had to wear ties

B. Now, girls can wear pants and guys don’t have to wear ties

II. The food choices at LU have expanded.

A. We only had one small cafeteria

B. Now there is the Hangar, a huge cafeteria, and an a la carte place

III. The Rules at LU are less strict.

A. We were required to attend church & prayer groups

B. Now church is encouraged but not required

C. Televisions were not allowed in dorm rooms

D. Now they students can have televisions.

2. Topic By Topic Comparison Outline Method

Topic Sentence: The fact that LU tries to keep up with the changes in student population can be seen in their changes to dress code, food services, and rules.

I. Liberty used to be more strict and less convenient.

A. Dress Code was more strict

1. Girls had to wear skirts

2. Guys had to wear ties

B. Food Services was less convenient

1. Only had one small cafeteria

2. Lines were SO long

C. Rules were more strict

1. Had to attend church & prayer groups

2. Could not have TV in our rooms

3. Could only listen to Christian music

II. Now Liberty has become more convenient and less strict.

A. Dress code is more relaxed

1. Girls can wear pants

2. Guys don’t have to wear ties

B. Food Services are more convenient

1. Hangar, large cafeteria, à la carte place

2. Lines are shorter (believe it or not)

C. Rules are less strict

1. Church and prayer groups are not required

2. Can have TVs in the dorm rooms

3. Can listen to secular music

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Step 1: Comparison Paragraph Prewriting & Outline

Directions: Complete all of the elements of the prewriting; otherwise, the content of your piece will not be accurate.






Categories of Comparison:

Topic Sentence:

Brainstorm Details:

Comparison Outline:

Step 2: Comparison Paragraph Rough Draft

Directions: Write a rough draft that follows your paragraph outline, beginning with your topic sentence. Do not worry about spelling or grammar; just let your thoughts flow. Be sure to use transitional phrases such as “On the other hand” or “Similarly” to show contrast or comparison. End with a good concluding sentence that restates the significance of the similarities or differences. It should be approximately 200 words, no less and not too much more.

Step 3: Comparison Paragraph Revised Draft

Directions: Copy your Comparison Paragraph Rough Draft and paste it below, click on “Tools” or “Review” if you are using Microsoft Word, and hit “Track Changes.” This is so your instructor can see all the changes you make. Begin reading through your rough draft and make changes to the content as you see fit. Add more comparative details if needed or delete irrelevant details that do not help prove the significance of the comparison. Add transitional words or phrases to help the paragraph flow in a logical order. Then, save the draft with the changes.

Step 4: Comparison Paragraph Edited Draft

Directions: Turn off the Track Changes feature. Copy your Revised Comparison Paragraph Draft, paste it below, click on “Tools” or “Review” if you are using Microsoft Word, and make sure you turn on the track changes feature. Edit for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Focus especially on revising for subject-verb agreement and verb tense consistency like you should have recently studied. Save these changes. NOTE: Use of contractions (can’t, won’t, doesn’t, etc.) and second person (any form of the pronoun “you”) is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of points on writing assignments.

Honor Statement

Please read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:
By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around any direct quotations.
By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone else’s ideas or words, I have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.
Student Name:

Comparison Paragraph Prewriting Grading Rubric


Excellent = 7.5

Good = 6.5

Deficient = 4.5

Step 1:

Prewriting & Outline


100% of the prewriting and sentence outline is complete: topics, plan, attitude/point, audience, purpose, categories of comparison, topic sentence, brainstorm details, and outline. It is evident that the author invested time and careful thought into this part of the writing process.

2/3 of the prewriting and sentence outline is complete. The author invested some time and thought into this part of the writing process.

1/3 or less of the prewriting and sentence outline is complete. It may seem as though the author rushed through this portion of the writing process or spent little to no time addressing this portion of the writing process.

Step 2:

Rough Draft


The rough draft follows the sentence outline, beginning with the topic sentence and ends with a good concluding sentence that restates the controlling idea or expresses a thought that wraps the piece up well. At least 200 words are used.

The rough draft attempts to follow the sentence outline, includes a topic sentence and concluding sentence. 199-130 words are used.

The rough draft loosely follows the sentence outline or disregards it completely. 129 words or less are used.

Step 3:

Revised Draft


The author uses the “Track Changes” feature (or notes the changes made by using the highlighting or strikethrough tool) and makes changes to the content. The author adds more supporting details if needed or deletes irrelevant ones that do not relate to the controlling idea. The author adds transitional words or phrases to help the paragraph flow in a logical order. Then, saves the draft with the changes.

The author meets 3/4 of the requirements of this portion of the writing process.

The author meets 1/3 or less of the requirements of this portion of the writing process.

Step 4:

Edited Draft


The author edits the “Revised Draft” for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors while using the “Track Changes” feature (or notes the changes made by using the highlighting or strikethrough tool). The author focuses especially on the grammar principles recently studied.

The author meets 2/3 of the requirements of this portion of the writing process.

The author meets 1/3 or less of the requirements of this portion of the writing process.

Final Score: /30

Instructor Comments:

Step 5: Comparison Paragraph Final Draft

Directions: Turn off the Track Changes feature. Copy and paste your edited draft (from above). Highlight it and choose “accept changes” if the document does not automatically make the changes for you. Save the changes to this document; save it as “Comparison Assignment.” Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit the document to your instructor.  The instructor should then be able to see the entire process you took to create your final draft.

Honor Statement

Please read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:
By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around any direct quotations.
By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone else’s ideas or words, I have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.
Student Name:


Good / Excellent= 15

Fair / Competent= 13

Deficient= 9


(CCLO # 2)


· Major points are stated clearly and are well-supported.

· Content is persuasive and comprehensive

· Content and purpose of the writing is clear

· Thesis has a strong claim. The audience is clear and appropriate for the topic

· Supportive information (if required) is strong and addresses writing focus

· Major points are addressed but clarity or support is limited

· Content is somewhat persuasive or comprehensive

· Content is inconsistent (lack of clear purpose and /or clarity)

· Thesis could be stronger

· Supportive information (if required) needs strengthening or does not address writing concepts

· Major points are unclear and / or insufficiently supported

· Content is missing essentials

· Content has unsatisfactory purpose, focus, and clarity

· Supportive information (if required) is missing

Organization and Structure

(CCLO #1)


· Writing is well-structured, clear, and easy to follow

· Introduction compelling forecasts the topic and thesis

· Each paragraph is unified and has a clear central idea

· Transitional wording is present throughout the writing

· Conclusion is a logical end to the writing

· Adequately organized with some areas difficult to follow

· Introduction needs to provide a stronger gateway into the writing

· Some paragraphs lack unity

· Better transitions are needed to provide fluency of ideas

· Conclusion is trite or barely serves its purpose

· Organization and structure detract from the writer’s message

· Introduction and / or conclusion is incomplete or missing

· Paragraphs are not unified (more than one topic / missing or inadequate controlling and concluding sentences)

· Transitions are missing

· Conclusion, if present, fails to serve its purpose


Good / Excellent= 15

Fair / Competent= 13

Deficient= 9

Grammar and Diction

(CCLO # 1, 3)


· The writing reflects grammatical, punctuation, and spelling standards.
· Language is accurate, appropriate, and effective
· Writing’s tone is appropriate and highly effective

· The writing contains some grammatical, punctuation, and / or spelling errors.
· Language is unclear, awkward or inappropriate in parts
· The writing’s tone is generally appropriate and moderately effective

· The writing contains many grammatical, punctuation and / or spelling errors
· Language use is largely inaccurate or inappropriate
· The writing’s tone is ineffective and / or inappropriate


Good / Excellent= 5

Fair / Competent= 4

Deficient= 3


MLA Paper


(CCLO #6)


· Writing correctly follows formatting guidelines
· Parenthetical and bibliographical source citations are used correctly and appropriately

· Writing follows most formatting guidelines, but some flaws are detected.
· Parenthetical and bibliographical source citations are incorrectly formatted or used

· Writing lacks many elements of correct formatting
· Parenthetical and bibliographical source citations and / or references are not provided

Final Score: /50

Instructor Comments:

ENGL 100

Argument Essay Instructions

You will write a 400-word essay, constructed to convince a specific audience of your chosen point. (You must choose your topic from those provided in the Argument Essay Topic Choices document.) The essay must include an introduction paragraph, at least 3 well-developed supporting paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. All paragraphs should flow well together, using smooth transitions between each reason and a piece of evidence chosen for your argument. 

You will complete your progress incrementally using the Argument Essay Draft Template. You will submit your work as follows:

· Module/Week 5: Thesis Statement and Prewriting

· Module/Week 6: Rough Draft

· Module/Week 7: Revised and Edited Draft

· Module/Week 7: Final Draft

Prewriting Example

My Topic: Home schooling

My Attitude: It is the best educational choice.

My Purpose: To present the benefits of home schooling and persuade parents to consider and choose it for their children.

My Thesis Statement: Home schooling is the best educational option academically, socially, and spiritually for young children of concerned Christian parents in these uncertain times.

My Audience: Christian parents of young children in the U.S.A.

1. How much does my audience know about my subject? They know a little bit, but only what they have “heard.”

2. Age? Gender? Race? Social Status? Location? Religion? Parents between the ages of 25 and 35 with young children, of any race, middle-class, in the USA, who are Christians.

3. Where does my audience stand on the issue; are they Opposed or Neutral? They are neutral.

Sample Outline

NOTE: You may use any method we have practiced during this course, which means that your outline may not look like the essay outline below; thus all my arguments are reasons why I think home schooling is a good option. You may choose to use some compare/contrast, classification, etc., depending on your topic. Also remember to include an answer to your opposition and support opinions with facts.

My Outline:

I. Introduction

A. Declining national averages, recent school violence, and God taken out of schools

B. Thesis statement

II. Academic Benefit: Home-schooled children advance faster due to one-on-one attention

A. Personal stories of both experiences

B. Examples of people I know

III. Social Benefits

A. Not overly exposed to violence or negative peer-pressure

B. Can still be involved in school and church activities

IV. Spiritual Benefits

A. Not exposed to false doctrine

B. Grounded in Christian doctrine (Bible verses)

V. Conclusion

A. Parents can take back a large part of the responsibility of raising their children

B. If it is possible for a couple to home school their young children, it is the best choice academically, socially, and spiritually.

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ENGL 100

Argument Essay Topic Choices

Choose 1 of the following topics to write about for your argument essay. Use support from outside sources and scripture, where applicable. Keep in mind that this support should be in addition to the 400-word minimum, which is required for the essay. Also, be sure to give credit to your sources by enclosing any direct quotations in quotation marks and stating the origin of the source.

Pick a type of learning environment like homeschooling, charter school, public school, online learning, and argue in favor of that particular setting.

Do you believe that smoking should be allowed in public facilities? Or are you in favor of the many changes organizations have made to limit smoking to outside locations? Argue your point of view on smoking in public locations.

What do you think of the “being green” philosophy? Do you think that recycling and making environment friendly choices is a way to honor God’s creation? Or has society taken a good idea a little too far? Explain your opinion on this issue.

How do you feel about the fast food industry? Has it drastically impacted the nutrition of the past few generations? Or is an individual responsible to take charge of his/her own nutritional choices? Defend your point of view about this topic.

Are news reporters and news stations out of control? Or do you believe that the media as a whole reports the news with objectivity? Support your ideas about this topic with explanations from current events.

Choose 1 of your favorite things: a movie, a song, a writer, a story, an actor/actress, a sports figure, etc. Explain why you believe that this favorite item/person is the best and persuade your reader to feel the same way.

What do you believe about abortion? Do you believe a woman has the right to choose? Or do you believe that abortion is murder? Consider the different options available when proving your point of view.

Do you believe in intelligent design (creationism), evolution, or theistic-evolution? Share evidence that persuades your reader to believe as you do.

Choose 1 controversial topic: nationalized health care, homosexual marriage, taxation, war, prayer in schools, etc. Argue in favor of your point of view.

If someone asked you to defend your faith in Jesus Christ, how would you do it? Use this argumentative assignment as an opportunity to explain your belief that Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

The fruits of the Spirit include: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). Which of these fruits is the most beneficial in life? Justify your opinion through personal examples.

Choose an influential figure in the Bible (aside from Jesus Christ) and argue for the effectiveness of his/her testimony.

Mark 8:36 states, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Rationalize the concept that spiritual riches are far greater than the riches of this world.

Consider Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Discuss the importance of discipline in respect to raising children.

James 2:17–20, “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works. Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?” Provide reasons and examples to argue the truth that good works are an important aspect of living out one’s faith.

If you have been inspired by a different topic that is not listed here, email your instructor to approve the topic of your choice. Be specific with your intentions and email him/her at least three days in advance of the assignment’s due date.

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ENGL 100

Argument Essay Thesis & Prewriting Template

Step 1: Argument Essay Thesis Statement & Prewriting

Directions: Complete all of the elements of the prewriting; otherwise, the content of your piece will not be accurate.

My Topic:

My Attitude:

My Purpose:

My Thesis Statement:

My Audience:

1. How much does my audience know about my subject?

2. Age? Gender? Race? Social Status? Location? Religion?

3. Where does my audience stand on the issue; are they Opposed or Neutral?


Honor Statement

Please read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:

By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around any direct quotations.
By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone else’s ideas or words, I have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.

Student Name:

Argument Essay Thesis Statement & Prewriting Grading Rubric

20 pts

17 pts

12 pts

Points Earned

Step 1:

Thesis Statement & Prewriting

100% of the prewriting and outline is complete: topic, attitude, purpose, thesis statement, audience, and outline. It is evident that the author invested time and careful thought into this part of the writing process.

2/3 of the prewriting and sentence outline is complete. The author invested some time and thought into this part of the writing process.

1/3 or less of the prewriting and sentence outline is complete. It may seem as though the author rushed through this portion of the writing process or spent little to no time addressing this portion of the writing process.



Instructor’s Comments:

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