questions are below

1.Joe’s Bakery advertised in the local newspaper for an assistant baker. Muhammad, a recent honors graduate of the Culinary School of America, applied for the position and was told that the position had been filled. Muhammad is of Middle-Eastern descent and practices the Muslim faith. The following day, and for nine consecutive days thereafter, Muhammad saw the ad in the paper again. Joe’s Bakery employs seven people, including Joe. Do the facts satisfy the requirements for a prima facie case? If so, can Muhammad pursue a claim for discrimination against Joe’s Bakery? Answer

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2.Discuss the similarities and the differences between Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with 42 U.S.C. 1981. Answer


3.Specify 10 actions that an employer can take to show that it values diversity.

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4.The Fairview County Public Library has 516 employees, including 163 librarians. A study of the library staff reveals that 3 out of 30 supervisors in the library branches are male although men make up 25% of the branch librarians. In order to increase the number of male supervisory librarians, the library decides to implement an affirmative action plan that would consider gender as one component of the decision when promoting librarians. Is this affirmative action plan valid? Explain your answer.

the answers should be the same as lastime and the dead line is sunday 10Feb2013 16:00 price is the same

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