IT 18 questions


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– Deadline: Friday 26, July 2013.

– Critical thinking and own opinion.

– No words count and Format


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1. Give three examples of data that might be captured by a retail business and two examples of information that might be obtained from the data.

2. Assume that you work for a company that manufactures and distributes automobiles.  Provide three examples of how you could you use information systems to achieve greater customer intimacy.

3. South Harmon College (SHC) is a small community college with about 2,000 students, 50 faculty, and 40 staff.  Name and briefly describe three ways that SHC could utilize an intranet.

4. Name five items you might find on the Digital Dashboard of an airline executive. 

5. Use Porter’s Competitive Forces Model to evaluate the fast food industry.

6. Smalltown Computer is a new, local computer repair store that also builds custom computers to order.  Name the competitive strategy (i.e. cost leadership, differentiation, niche marketing, customer/supplier intimacy) that you think would be easiest for Smalltown Computer to exert and the strategy it would be most difficult for Smalltown to exert.  Explain your answers. 

7. A digital divide exists where one group of individuals does not have access to the same information technology tools as another group.  Name four potential drawbacks for job-seekers who lack IT resources.

8. Name four ways the Internet may be used to violate an individual’s privacy.

9. Name three pros and three potential cons to a business utilizing open source software.

10. The CIO of a mid-sized car rental agency has asked you to research cloud computing for her.  Provide four reasons why the CIO should consider using cloud computing for her business.

11. The small publishing company you work for wants to create a new database for storing information about all of their author contracts. List five questions you should ask to gather information for the database.

12. Name four problems a company can face if the data in its databases is of poor quality.

13. George opens his web browser and types, “

” into the address box to open the Yahoo home page.   At the next desk, Suki opens her web browser and types, “” into the address box to open the same page.  Suki’s page takes a few milliseconds less to open.  Why?

14. Briefly describe four ways an elementary school could use RFID technology.

15. Three major concerns of system builders and users are disaster, security, and human error. Of the three, which do you think is most difficult to deal with, and why?

16. Name three similarities and three differences between the security needs of a large, multinational corporation and a small firm operating from a single office.

17. Between a large, multinational corporation and a small, single-office firm, which firm would be in a better position to secure its systems, and why?

18. Name and briefly describe five pieces of hardware you would purchase to set up a computer network in a small business office.

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