I would like to do a group for adolescent girls ages 9-13 years old on self-esteem and obesity.  Maybe discuss the teasing that goes on a school regarding being over-weight, work on group sessions that would include some classes on role playing, how to cook healthy- do some actual cooking classes, etc.  Just need help throwing it all together to get the grade.  Please see attached grading rubric that states what the instructor is looking for and what she expects for the assignment. I will need to attach an forms that may be used in the 8 group sessions, any consents that would be needed, etc..

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In the complex settings we often work in, the applications of group therapy have become increasingly common. The purpose of groups in both inpatient and outpatient settings is often twofold: 1) To provide the opportunity for individuals struggling with common issues to support and work through their issues therapeutically with each other; 2) In our increasingly insurance-driven, staff-limited world, it is seen as one of the most cost effective forms of therapy.

This assignment is designed to give you the opportunity to develop a group proposal that you can use and apply in your area of interest. Choose an area or client population (children, adolescents, geriatric, etc.) that you are either currently involved or are interested in pursuing experience in and select a topic to develop a proposal for a group that deals with an issue or challenge to that population. For example, Children struggling with a common or chronic illness, Bullying, Eating Disorders, Grief, etc.

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The goal of this assignment is to develop a group proposal that you – or anyone – wanting to do a group on this topic could follow.

There are innumerable websites related to group therapy and specific topics. Although these can be good sources of ideas, please remember you must include academic sources as well.

The recommended text resource:

Corey, M. S., Corey, G., Corey, C. (2010). Groups: Process and Practice. (8th ed.).

Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning

This text contains many good examples of group ideas for specific problems – Please try to expand your topic area beyond the topics given and remember you must reference any information used. If you have a specific interest in an area and would like to choose a similar topic to one given, please contact me for permission and how your group would differ.

Group Proposal Format and Rubric Guidelines:

Introduction of Proposal (5 points)

-Rationale for this group: Why is this group needed and why are you

interested in this area?

– What is the purpose of this group?


Review of Research Literature (10 points)

-A Review of Research (3-5 academic sources) that gives background

and statistics on your topic and problem


Group Organization (15 points)

– Setting for the Group: Inpatient/Outpatient

– Goals of the Group: 3-5 overall goals for this group

– Organization: Selection of members, Will prescreening be done, etc.

– Ethical Issues involved in this area (parental consent, confidentiality, etc.)

– Challenges in facilitating this group ______

Group Proposal (30 points)

– Outline format for 8 group sessions:

– Each session must have objectives and include an outline of Topics/Activities/Techniques that will be used in the session

(you must reference the sources of any activity or technique you use

– Appendix: Containing a copy of informed consent form to participate in the group,

and copies of any activity, questionnaire, etc. used in the sessions


Structure and Organization (10 points) ______

Bibliography- APA format (5 points) ¬¬¬¬______

– Sources for Research Review

– Sources for Activities/Techniques, etc.

Group Proposal Total (75 points) ______

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