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In 2003, FASB and IASB met and established four criteria for establishing revenue recognition. To recognize revenue, which of the following conditions must be present?



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A change in assets has occurred and can be appropriately measured.

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Payment for the sale must be received prior to recognizing the revenue.

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The product or deliverable, in the case of a service business, has been received by the customer.

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A promise to deliver has been established.


Failure to provide any care in fulfilling a duty owed to another is called

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constructive fraud

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breach of contract

·         [removed]negligence 3

Which of the following is a fundamental characteristic of the market system?

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Unselfish behavior

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Central planning by government

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Government-set wages and prices

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Property rights


The income effect indicates that

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consumers should substitute among various products until the marginal utility from the last unit of each product purchased is the same

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a rise in money income will cause consumers to buy smaller quantities of normal goods

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when the price of a product falls, a consumer will be able to buy more of it with a specific income

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when the price of a product falls, the lower price will induce the consumer to buy more of that product now that it is relatively cheaper


The price elasticity of demand coefficient measures

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the slope of the demand curve

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how far business executives can stretch their fixed costs

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buyer responsiveness to price changes

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the extent to which a demand curve shifts as incomes change


A normative statement is one that

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applies only to microeconomics

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is based on the law of averages

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is based on value judgments

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applies to macroeconomics


Many conflicts of interest in business contracts can be remedied ethically by which of the following?

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Deception and disclosure

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Camouflage and consent

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Disclosure and consent

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Conflicts of interest can never be remedied ethically


Four professional general standards and responsibilities for Certified Public Accountants are quality control and assurance, professional judgment, competence, and:

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In 2002, Adelphia Cable filed bankruptcy when it was discovered that

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excess fictitious expenses of $1 million were added to the income statement

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bank debt in excess of $2.3 billion was not shown on the financial statements

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assets on the financial statements were considerably undervalued

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sales in excess of $72 billion were omitted from the financial statements


When budgets are used to measure performance, there is a danger that budgetary slack may occur. This happens when

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sales budgets are set too high and cost budgets are set too low

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sales budgets are set too low and cost budgets are set too high

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sales budgets are set too low and cost budgets are set too low

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sales budgets are set too high and cost budgets are set too high


ABC Company owes XYZ Enterprises $1 million for goods purchased from XYZ over a year ago. XYZ Enterprises continues to list the $1 million in their accounts receivable balance and does not record any allowance for doubtful accounts. XYZ Enterprises is failing to follow

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SFAS 169

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Financial Accounting Standards Board FAS 157

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Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 5

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SFAS 101


12) The EU Privacy Directive presents problems for the United States in that

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data may not be transferred to a non-EU entity unless guarantees are provided that equal security measures are in place

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transferred data may not be translated into another language

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high transfer charges are required to be paid by the recipient in the currency of the country transferring the data

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several layers of approval are necessary before any data may be transferred to a non-EU entity


13) When revenue is recognized and shipment has not been made and the criteria for recognizing revenue on bill-and-hold transactions set out in SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 101 have not been met, this is known as

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timely revenue recognition

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postrevenue recognition

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premature revenue recognition

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conservative revenue recognition


According to the Agency Theory, in a corporation there are two types of information consumers known as

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principals and vendors

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customers and agents

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vendors and customers

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agents and principals


Tom Donaldson and Tom Dunfee are proponents of ethical guidelines related to technology that are based on differentiating hypernorms from nonhypernorms. This theory is known as

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Integrative Social Contracts Theory

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Transparent Ethical Dilemma Theory

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Electronic Communications Privacy Theory

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Social Contract Network Theory


When the economist says that economic wants are insatiable, this means that

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economic resources—land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability—are scarce

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these wants are virtually unlimited and therefore incapable of complete satisfaction

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the structure of consumer demand varies from time to time and from country to country

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economic resources are valuable only because they can be used to produce consumer goods


The pursuit of self-interest

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is highly detrimental to the market system

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means the same as selfishness

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gives direction to the market system

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is reflected in the behavior of firms, but not in the behavior of consumers


18) The bankruptcy of WorldCom in 2002 was due to the company’s actions in

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expensing equipment purchases rather than capitalizing these purchases

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failing to record revenues

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classifying expenses as assets

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recording fictitious liabilities


19) Productive efficiency refers to

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the production of the product-mix most wanted by society

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production at some point inside of the production possibilities curve

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the full employment of all available resources

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the use of the least-cost method of production


Agency costs arise when agents fail to act in the best interests of the principals. One example of losses from poor decisions would be

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purchasing inferior material to earn yearly bonus

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investing additional funds in profitable projects

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prioritizing projects, according to the best interests of the corporation

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increasing the scope of the audit of the financial statements


21) If the price of normal good X rises, the income

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effect will induce the consumer to buy more of X and the substitution effect will induce him to buy less

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and substitution effects will both induce the consumer to buy more of X

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effect will induce the consumer to buy less of X and the substitution will induce him to buy more

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and substitution effects will both induce the consumer to buy less of X


22) Section 55 of the Principles of Professional Conduct of the AICPA states that

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members should accept the obligation to act in a way that will serve the public interest, honor the public trust, and demonstrate commitment to professionalism

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a member should maintain objectivity and be free of conflicts of interest in discharging professional responsibilities

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a member should observe the profession’s technical and ethical standards, strive continually to improve competence and quality of services, and discharge professional responsibility to the best of the member’s ability

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members should perform all professional responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity


23) The concept of economic efficiency is primarily concerned with

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the limited wants-unlimited resources dilemma

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the conservation of irreplaceable natural resources

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considerations of equity in the distribution of wealth

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obtaining the maximum output from available resources


Which of the following is a normative statement?

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The temperature is high today.

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It is too hot to play tennis today.

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It will cool off later this evening.

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The humidity is high today.


Suppose that as the price of Y falls from $2.00 to $1.90 the quantity of Y demanded increases from 110 to 118. Then, the price elasticity of demand is

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26) Other things equal, an excise tax on a product will

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increase its supply

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increase the quantity sold

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increase its demand

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increase its price


27) If a conflict of interest arises prior to entering into a business contract, the parties should

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cease and desist because all conflicts of interest are irreconcilable

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determine the type of conflict and if disclosure of the conflict of interest is sufficient to proceed with the contract

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commence a cooling-off period until the conflict is removed

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stop negotiations immediately and contact a mediator to negotiate the terms of the contract


28) Assuming an economy has fixed quantities of resources, that economy  

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is able to produce the same amount of output regardless of the production technologies it chooses

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is able to satisfy all consumer wants

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is more efficient, the larger the amount of goods and services it produces

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will produce the same output whether or not resources are used efficiently


29) When evaluating the performance of managers in investment centers, performance metrics should be based on

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only costs under their control

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revenues, costs, and investments under their control

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only investments under their control

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revenue and costs under their control


When applying for a bank loan or trade credit, one way a company can appear to be in a healthier financial position would be to

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overstate its expenses

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understate its sales

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undervalue its assets

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understate its liabilities


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