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Consumer Behavior & Research

Tuesday – 3:00

Badge Behavior

When I have free time on weekend, I always go to Westfield Santa Anita Mall at 400 S. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007. There have many people come to shop or watch movie at AMC. As always, I am going to Westfield Santa Anita Mall on Sunday (July 21, 2013) with my cousins. When I was parking, I saw the group of seven people got out from two cars. They was driving BMW car, I saw one is BWM 535i, and other is BMW M3. There are five females, and two males. I guess that they are about 22 years old, and they are single. Usually, they like to hang out together, go shopping, go restaurant, and go to the nightclub. I think they are college students. They are from China, because I heard that they speak Mandarin.

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Two badge behaviors that the group observably consumed are Abercrombie & Fitch, and Chanel. I saw two males were wearing A&F T-shirt, and A&F denim pants. Besides that, I saw three girls were wearing A&F jean pants; one girl was wearing A&F tank top. Moreover, they were going to A&F store to shop. On the other hand, I am really sure that they are really Chanel brand. Almost females in the group have Chanel handbags, some of them are using Boy Chanel bag, and some of them are using Classic Flap Chanel bag. I think Chanel is really much popular for people right now. Two of them have Chanel sunglasses, one of them has Chanel necklace. One girl in their group has Chanel from head to toe; she has Chanel bag, eyewear, and flat shoes.

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