Marxism: The Communist Manifesto

In this SAS Curriculum Pathways Web Lesson you will directed to web sites necessary to complete the assigned activity designed to help you analyze selected sections from The Communist Manifesto and to understand the political and social controversy it created.

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To begin, follow this link to Web Lesson 597. If prompted, enter “melody9off” in the Student User Name then click “log in” to begin. (quick launch #597).

 Complete steps 1 and 2 to review important background information and key passages from The Communist Manifesto. Next, open the handout “Responses to The Communist Manifesto” and select one of the statements to defend. Copy that statement into a word processing document you title “Marxism.” Proceed to step 4 and create a short essay (minimum 500 words) to defend the position you selected. You do not necessarily have to personally agree with the statement. The goal is to practice using support from the original text to prove a point. Your essay should clearly state your position and include arguments based on, and supported by, the passages of The Communist Manifesto. FoYour essay should be formatted according to MLA guidelines, and include a Works Cited page at the end (not included in the page count). Within the essay you should have a clear thesis statement in the introductory paragraph and should include support from your research in the body paragraphs. All information used from research must be documented using appropriate MLA parenthetical reference to the sources listed on the Works Cited page. Failure to document sources or include a Works Cited page will result in you having to re-do the assignment.

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