Week 3 Analyzing Internet Sources (July 26th)


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This one is Due July 26th, everything is explained below.


This one is Due July 26th, everything is explained below.

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Below you will find the Week 3 Analyzing Internet Sources assignment requirements and rubric. Please review it carefully as I will evaluate your work using this rubric.


 You will post this assignment under the Assignments Tab as a Microsoft Word document.

       Practice 1: Understand What’s Important: Information Literacy Basics

       Practice 2: Act on What’s Important: Critically Analyzing Internet Sources


Answer these follow-up questions in


0 to


0 words each:


       What are the three or more best practices you learned about using the Internet for academic purposes? How do you think you might use them?

       How can you determine if the information on a website is reputable and worthwhile for a research paper?









Week 3 Analyzing Internet Sources (Due Day


– July 26th)

Complete the following activities in Pearson’s MyStudentSuccessLab, located on the student website (Materials Tab):


Points Earned

Points Possible

You have clearly described three or more best practices for using the internet for academic purposes.  You have correctly identified strategies for determining if information on a website is reputable and worthwhile.


You have responded to each follow-up question with a 100-150 word response.


Sentences are complete, clear, concise, and error-free; rules of grammar usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.


Late Penalty (10% per day – cannot exceed one day)





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