
I am going to upload a Accounting project. for accountguru only……….

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Followthe link below and answer the following questions. .

What kind of business (industry / area of commerce) is the company involved in?

Samsung is the world’s leading electronic company that specializes in digital media and technological discovery. In the beginning Samsung business was simple. The electronic industry as we know it today was small and moving as at a snail’s pace. But in today’s market with a more global focus commerce, Samsung game plan had to adapt. Samsung’s industry has grown to every household, business, government, transportation, and medical market. Not to mention E-Commerce.

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What kind of statistics information did you find? List them if there’s more than one kind. Describe each as to origin (how do you think the data was obtained) and type of measurement.

Because of the diversity of Samsung Electronics their statistically model of growth continued to increase year by year.

Sales by Region (KRW trillion)

Proportion of Sales by Region 2009 2010 2011

America 28.8% 33.8 43.5 47.5

Europe 23.7% 35.1 36.0 39.1

Asia 17.4% 27.1 24.9 28.8

Korea 16.1% 21.9 25.9 26.5

China 14.0% 23.8 24.3 23.1

(“Samsung electronics sustainability,” 2012)

To what division of the company is the statistics information you found related? (Marketing, Finances, Production, etc.) Marketing and Finance is both heavily related in the information.

Give a brief opinion as to what this information is probably used for, and what reasons the firm might have to post it on its web page.


Samsung electronics sustainability report 2012. (2012). Retrieved from Facts & Figures – Samsung

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