
Minimal 200 words for both questions (no more than 300), reference, original work

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1. Liu Dan was one of the top wrestlers on his high school team, but he knew that his small size would make it difficult to compete at the college level. He had tried lifting weights, but that did not seem to be working. So, Liu decided to try something he had never thought he would do—he began taking anabolic steroids. At first he was excited because his muscles were larger and he felt stronger. After a few more weeks, though, he started noticing some troublesome changes: His pectoral muscles were getting larger, but they looked more feminine than masculine; his testes had shrunk; and he’d had some frightening episodes that could only be described as temper tantrums. After reading this chapter, explain why anabolic steroids were able to alter muscle tissue growth and also cause unintended changes in other tissues of the body.

2. Katie was getting nervous. At 16, she was the only one in her group of friends who had not started menstruating. Katie had always dreamed of having three beautiful children someday and she was worried. Her mother took her to see Dr. Josephine who ordered several blood tests. When the results came back, Dr. Josephine gently explained to Katie and her mother that Katie would never be able to have children and would never menstruate. Dr. Josephine then asked Katie to wait in the outer room while she spoke privately to her mother. She explained to Katie’s mom that Katie has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Though Katie was genetically male and her gonads produced more of the male reproductive hormone, testosterone, than the female reproductive hormone, estrogen, Katie did not reflect the tissue changes expected. What malfunction in Katie’s body would cause this? Why does Katie’s body look feminine if she is genetically male?

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