Organizational Behavior – O – W000 (June 2013 0001) (2222_9W1_MGMT_317

ake Test: Activities 5.4 – Quiz


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Question 1


Pursuing ethical standards in negotiations may be side tracked by an overemphasis on __________.


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 Question 3 

Non-programmed decisions address routine problems that arise on a regular basis and for which standard solutions have been derived.



Accommodation may be used when an issue is trivial.

   Question 5 

An example of the application of the __________ is the team leader who selects a new member not because of any special qualities of the person, but only because the individual comes from a department known to have produced high performers in the past.


Question 6


Which of the following characteristics does NOT correctly describe the conduct of a classic two-party negotiation?

Answer      Question 8 What is negotiation? What are the two primary goals in the negotiation process? Provide an example of each type of goal. In the context of these goals, when is negotiation effective?  Question 9 The conflict management style of __________involves being cooperative and unassertive. This style is characterized by letting the wishes of others rule, and smoothing over or overlooking differences to maintain harmony. [removed]  Question 10 Two persons debating each other aggressively on the merits of two different proposed advertising campaigns is an example of emotional interpersonal conflict.Answer[removed] True   Question 11 Define decision making. What are the five basic steps involved in the rational decision model?  Question 12 When dealing with risk environments, managers may assign __________ through objective statistical procedures or through personal intuition.Answer[removed] potentialities[removed] expectations[removed] prospects[removed] probabilities[removed] feasibilities Question 13 Bounded rationality is choosing the first alternative that appears to give an acceptable or satisfactory resolution of the problem.Answer[removed] True  [removed] False   Question 14 An example of constituency negotiation occurs when representatives of management and labor negotiate a collective bargaining agreement.Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  Question 15 Behavioral scientists are cautious about applying classical decision theory to many decision situations because they recognize that human beings have __________ that restrict their information-processing capabilities.Answer[removed] sociological limitations[removed] cognitive limitations[removed] subjective limitations[removed] emotional limitations[removed] psychological limitations   Question 16 In the __________ approach to negotiation, participants would ask: How can the resource best be utilized?  Question 17 Lose-lose strategies may result from outright competition or authoritative command where the solution is dictated by an authority figure.Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  Question 18 Jeff Bezos of believes there is a place for both systematic and intuitive decision-making in management.Answer[removed] True  [removed] False  Question 19 All of the following statements relating to escalating commitment are correct EXCEPT:Answer[removed] the tendency to escalate commitments often outweighs the willingness to disengage from them.[removed] decision makers may rationalize negative feedback resulting from an escalated commitment as a temporary condition.[removed] an escalated commitment may result in a decision maker protecting his or her ego by not admitting that the original decision was a mistake.[removed] once it is determined that a chosen course of action is not working, decision makers will re-group and select a different course of action.[removed] decision makers may characterize any negative results from an escalated commitment as a learning experience can be overcome with added future effort.  Question 20 In the context of the stages of conflict, when the antecedent conditions become the basis for substantive or emotional differences between people or groups, the stage of __________ exists.Answer[removed] felt conflict[removed] distinct conflict[removed] manifest conflict[removed] perceived conflict[removed] apparent conflict    class=css-1j18aoo11 years agoReport issuequizNOT RATEDPurchase the answer to view itblurred-texttest_5.4 xplagiarism checkPurchase $20Applied SciencesArchitecture and DesignBiologyBusiness & FinanceChemistryComputer ScienceGeographyGeologyEducationEngineeringEnglishEnvironmental scienceSpanishGovernmentHistoryHuman Resource ManagementInformation SystemsLawLiteratureMathematicsNursingPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyReadingScienceSocial ScienceLiberty UniversityNew Hampshire UniversityStrayer UniversityUniversity Of PhoenixWalden UniversityHomeHomework AnswersArchiveTagsReviewsContacttwitterfacebookCopyright © 2024 (Step To Horizon LTD)

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