Repetition statement (intro to programming)

In this assignment, you will design a program to perform the following task:

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Calculate the sum, smallest value and largest value of a list of numbers entered by a user.

Before attempting this exercise, be sure you have completed all of chapters 4 & 5 and course module readings, participated in the weekly conferences, and thoroughly understand the examples throughout the chapter.   There are 3 main components of your submission including the problem analysis, program design and documentation, and sample test data.



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Provide your analysis for the following problem statement:

Write a program that will calculate the sum, smallest value and largest value of an unknown number of integer values entered by the user. Your program should print a menu prior to each number submission:

What would you like to do?

1 – Enter a number

2 – End


If “1” is entered, the program should prompt the user for an integer value.  Once the number is entered, the current sum, maximum and minimum should be displayed.

If a “2” is entered, the program should exit.

Your analysis should be clearly written, demonstrating your thought process and steps used to analyze the problem. Your analysis should address the following points:

  • ·         Output required by the problem.
  • ·         Necessary input and how you will obtain the required output from the given input.
  • ·         Variable names and definitions you will use to solve the problem.
  • ·         Necessary formulas and sample calculations that might be needed.
  • ·         Assumptions you are making about the problem.



Provide your program design for the program you analyzed in step 1.  Be sure to describe the fundamental tasks (i.e., things your program must do) needed to solve the problem so you can use a modular design.

Provide a hierarchy chart for the program (see figure 3.8 page 148).

Provide flow charts for the main module and each sub-module (see figure 5.3 page 225).

Provide pseudocode of your overall design that includes the Main module and the order of the module calls (see page 148 for an example). List all of your pseudocode for each module. (See pages148-150 as an example).  Please use the base pseudocode described in the text and course modules; third-party libraries should not be used.

Include header and step comments in your pseudocode, using a similar approach as the example provided in section 2.3 (textbook page 86). See example 2.8 on pages 87-88).




Prepare any input data (Test data) along with expected output for testing your program (Note: Programs may not always have both input and output data. Your test data should thoroughly exercise the functionality of your pseudocode.)  Your test data can be presented in the form of a table as was shown in Assignment 1.

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