Develop a Scholarly Book Review- Activity 10 Pay close attention to the directions. Professor is very specific!!! The instructions have two sections. Please identify both sections in the paper. Instructions are below: Assignment 10 Scholarly Book Review

Develop a Scholarly Book Review- Activity 10

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Pay close attention to the directions. Professor is very specific!!! The instructions have two sections. Please identify both sections in the paper. Instructions are below: Assignment 10 Scholarly Book Review Develop a Scholarly Book Review NCU has a variety of databases available for students to utilize. Many of them contain full text books such as Google Books, ebrary, Safari Books Online, and an online reference library that is known as CREDOreference. Each is briefly summarized below along with their URLs. Databases with Full Text Books Name URL Information Google Books Can browse by subject. Makes books available worldwide. See below. ebrary Has a training video available. Books in the areas of Business, Psychology, and Education Safari Tech Online Has technical books from industry-leading publishers. CREDOreference Provides access to a selection of reference books such as encyclopedias, thesauri, dictionaries, subject specific titles With Google Books, shown below, all you need to do is type in key words to search for your books in the search box. The arrow shows the area where this is done. With Safari Books you need to sign in before you can access your personal account. Here is a screen shot of the home page. Ebrary allows you to easily search for books. Type in your key terms in the search box then click on the subject areas in the middle of the screen. Assignment: Search the NCU databases and locate four books related to your research area. If you do not have a topic yet, locate the books below on the following subject areas: • Research design for qualitative and quantitative methods • Qualitative research design • Quantitative research • Mixed Methods Research by Creswell Write a paper with two sections: Section #1 A 2-3 page paper addressing the following questions on your search process: • What keywords did you use? • Did you use any limiters or alternate terms? • What databases did you use to find your books? • What are the ISBN numbers of the books? • What would you do differently your next search based on what you learned? • List the books in APA format. Section #2 A scholarly paper on a selected book from your search. • Paper is to be a scholarly book review. • Length of book review: 3-4 pages, double spaced, 12 point font • Select one book from the list and write a scholarly book review. Your writing should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are required for the assignment. Responses should reflect scholarly-level writing standards and have no spelling, grammar, or syntax errors. Submit your document in the Course Work area below the Activity screen. Learning Outcomes: 10, 11 Assignment Outcomes

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