BUSN-258 Customer Relations – Devry – Complete Course, all 8 weeks


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 Week, TCOs, and TopicsReadings/Class PreparationActivities/AssignmentsWeek 1 TCO 1Developing Customer Service Attitudes and ValuesChapter 1: Know Why Service MattersChapter 1, question 7, page 14 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 1, question 4, page 14 (Applying the Ideas section)Graded Discussion TopicsWeek 2 TCOs 2, 3, 6, 7, & 9Building Customer LoyaltyChapter 2: Use Behaviors That Engage Your CustomersChapter 3: Listen to your CustomersChapter 2, question 8, page 35 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 3, question 3, page 51 (Reviewing the Facts section)You DecideGraded Discussion TopicsWeek 3 TCOs 1, 3, 8, & 13Communicating with OthersChapter 4: Use the Telephone Right for Good ServiceChapter 5: Use Friendly Websites and Electronic CommunicationCase StudyGraded Discussion TopicsWeek 4 TCOs 1, 2, 3, & 4Identifying Customer Issues of Satisfaction & DissatisfactionChapter 6: Recognize and Deal with Customer TurnoffsChapter 7: Insight into Emerging Trends in Customer ServiceMidterm ExamChapter 6, question 1, page 97 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 6, question 2, page 97 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 7, question 2, page 112 (Reviewing the Facts section)Graded Discussion TopicsWeek 5 TCOs 4, 6, 10, 11, & 12Customer Feedback and RecoveryChapter 8: Get Customer FeedbackChapter 9: Recover the Potentially Lost CustomerChapter 8, question 2, page 129 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 9, question 2, page 146 (Reviewing the Facts section)Review the Customer Relationship Management TutorialYou DecideGraded Discussion TopicsWeek 6 TCOs 4 & 5Dealing with Customer ExpectationsChapter 10: Exceed Expectations with ValueChapter 11: Exceed Customer Expectation with InformationChapter 12: Exceed Customer Expectations with Convenience and TimingCase StudyGraded Discussion TopicsWeek 7 TCOs 1 & 12Managing Employees to Give Great Customer ServiceChapter 13: Dealing with Emotional LaborChapter 14: Get Employees to Give Great ServiceChapter 13, question 1, page 202 (Reviewing the Facts section)Chapter 14, question 2, page 216 (Reviewing the Facts section)You DecideGraded Discussion TopicsWeek 8 All TCOsFinal Exam

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