Philosophy 101 week 1


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discussion question 1:

Hello everyone, Philosophy is about the discussion of ideas. The first idea we’ll discuss applies to any discussion about any subject. The topic for discussion this week is this: What is truth, and how is it different from opinion?


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Also, the main assignment is to read up on Tim O’ Brien’s,”The Things They Carried” and write the journal.


The journal must show your reading of the assigned materials and your thinking about matters relevant to thecourse. The guided readings and questions in the online classroom will help you reflect on the materials in order


to respond through your journal. The journal is not a summary; it is a response to the readings. (You shouldconsult the sample journal.) Your responses should show your reflective judgment.The order of learning is supposed to be: reading, writing, and discussing, so journal entries should usually bemade before discussions. You must enter the dates of your writing. (Don’t put the assignments in the headings.Those references show up in the entry itself.) It is good to leave in earlier misunderstandings when they arecorrected at later dates; this shows development. The journals should reflect the student’s humility instead of a


“know it all” attitude. You may disagree with an author or the instructor, but support your position with reflectivereasons and relevant scholarly research.


The journal must be in proper scholarly form for the humanities (not social sciences or natural sciences). For apassing grade, parenthetical documentation must be used (MLA style) if citing from one of the assigned texts.


samples.)You are expected to use proper grammar and correct spelling and punctuation. The course is reading and writingintensive, so rewriting is important for most students.The journal work is to be submitted four times. Only new material is submitted. The minimum length for each ofthe four journals is 1,500 words.

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