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In the 1990’s companies like Dell and Sematech created a ____ advantage in the Austin area



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Question 2  

Employment tables, data, etc do not include Agricultural employment, due to

multiple_choice_question   30572859 



fluctuations in grocery prices

most Agriculture production is done with machines




agricultural employment is seasonal

none of these is



Question 3  


Currently (as of the 2010 Census estimate) over ____ of Texas population is non-Anglo*


  Note:  * White or Caucasian is an overall category that includes Hispanics, while “Anglo” does not

multiple_answers_question   30572860 











Question 4  Match the type of constitutional power with the correct description–reference is chapter 2matching_question   30572861


Match the type of constitutional power with the correct description–reference is chapter 2

Match the following:

concurrent power


powers that both state and


governments share or provide at the same time





powers specifically identified for the federal






established for states by 10th Amendment


interstate commerce


regulating inland waterways, air and highway transportation


police powers


governments responsibility to provide public safety, education, public health


intrastate commerce


regulating trucking industry, gas and oil production


Question 5  Utilities like CPS are classified as multiple_choice_question   30572863












Question 6 multiple_choice_question   30572864


Using table 1.1 in the cd text, which sub-sector of the GOODS sector experienced the highest rate (% of change from 2000-2010) of growth?


If you need a reference for calculating rates of growth, click this link:







retail trade





mining (oil & gas)


Question 7 According to the 2006 federal Census estimate, which one of the following metropolitan areas is not included within the list of the 10 fastest growing in the United States multiple_choice_question   30572867


According to the 2006 federal Census estimate, which one of the following metropolitan areas is not included within the list of the 10 fastest growing in the United States?




Dallas-Ft. Worth-Arlington

Bryan-College Station





Austin-Round Rock


Question 8  

Colonizing central Texas is typically credited to Stephen F. Austin and other adventurers.  This reflects the _____ subculture


multiple_choice_question   30572868

   Colonizing central Texas is typically credited to Stephen F. Austin and other adventurers.  This reflects the _____ subculture    









Question 9

Match the political subculture with the correct attribute

matching_question   30572869

   Match the political subculture with the correct attribute

 Match the following:


embraces high rates of participation in community and public life


more likely in urban areas or research university communities




political subculture would likely oppose immigration reform


prefers informal alliances over organizations and bureaucracy


would likely favor incentives


Question 10

The least economically developed area of Texas is:

multiple_choice_question   30572870

   The least economically developed area of Texas is:  



West/Southwest Texas

the inner cities of the 5 largest metro areas




the Border Region

the Panhandle


Question 11 Sovereignty is maintained by the member states under which system?


multiple_choice_question   30572871


Sovereignty is maintained by the member states under which system?










College Football BCS


Question 12

The land provided the basis for the growth of three economic undertakings, which were central in Texas’ development. These were

multiple_choice_question   30572872

   The land provided the basis for the growth of three economic undertakings, which were central in Texas’ development. These were 



manufacturing, oil, and cotton

mining, cattle, and oil




cotton, cattle, and oil

cattle, oil, and real estate speculation


Question 13

Providing Public Education is a(n) ____ power 

multiple_choice_question   30572873

   Providing Public Education is a(n) ____ power   











Question 14

Among the 50 states, Texas ranks very high in

multiple_choice_question   30572875

   Among the 50 states, Texas ranks very high in 



# of prisons/incarcerated

teen pregnancy




# of classroom teachers

poverty rate



all of these


Question 15

High-Tech “clustering” is prominent in McAllen and El Paso


true_false_question   30572876

   High-Tech “clustering” is prominent in McAllen and El Paso 




Question 16

High-technology industries

multiple_choice_question   30572877

   High-technology industries 



were leaving TX in droves in 2003 for low-wage states like Mississippi and W. Virginia

pay higher average wages than do such industries as construction and food service




concentrate in the arid areas of West Texas, where silica is widely available

have been discouraged by the state leadership


Question 17


de jure

barrier is obsolete/removed?

multiple_choice_question   30572837

   Which de jure barrier is obsolete/removed?



any ward of the state or “pauper”

most convicted felons



  all of these

mental incompetence


Question 18

The device by which a corporation may contribute money to a political candidate is


multiple_choice_question   30572838

   The device by which a corporation may contribute money to a political candidate is 


a political action committee

  through the


union that represents its workers    


directly from corporation funds

  into a


state tax transfer fund    

Question 19

Which candidate’s office is chosen/nominated by delegate convention?


multiple_choice_question   30572839

   Which candidate’s office is chosen/nominated by delegate convention? 


sheriff of Medina County

  U.S. congressman from the 4th Texas congressional





president of the United States

governor of Texas


 Question 20

The_____ reduced the power of political parties in the electoral process


multiple_choice_question   30572840

   The_____ reduced the power of political parties in the electoral process     direct



National Convention system




25th Amendment

Populist Movement


Question 21

The grandfather clause pertains to the _____

multiple_choice_question   30572841

   The grandfather clause pertains to the _____ 



white primary

poll tax




Voting Rights Act of 1965

literacy test


Question 22

The term grassroots refers to activity that

multiple_choice_question   30572842

   The term grassroots refers to activity that 



begins locally and spreads to broader areas

starts at the state level and works down




is associated with agriculture

has produced no growth


Question 23

Interest groups and parties both nominate candidates

true_false_question   30572843

   Interest groups and parties both nominate candidates    true   false    

Question 24

An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence government to respond favorably to those views is a(n)

multiple_choice_question   30572844

   An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence government to respond favorably to those views is a(n) 



voluntary association

benevolent society




interest group

political party


Question 25  

The redistricting battle in 2003 was about which districts?


multiple_choice_question   30572845

   The redistricting battle in 2003 was about which districts?  



Texas House of Representatives

Texas Senate



  all of these

U.S. Congressional


Question 26

Participating in the process of nominating and electing candidates to office by an interest group is called

multiple_choice_question   30572846

   Participating in the process of nominating and electing candidates to office by an interest group is called 




grassroots pressure







Question 27

Interests groups wield considerable power in Texas because of 


multiple_choice_question   30572848

   Interests groups wield considerable power in Texas because of   



tight limitations on campaign contributions

the fragmented structure of state





the absence of a well-paid and professional legislative staff

a long history of intense two-party competition


Question 28

Which of these statements in NOT true, regarding primary elections in Texas


multiple_choice_question   30572849

   Which of these statements in NOT true, regarding primary elections in Texas  



You may vote in only one parties’ primary

You may not vote in a run-off if you didn’t vote in the primary




if you vote in a primary, you can only vote in that parties’ run-off election

you don’t have to declare party affiliation when you register to vote


Question 29

Which statement best depicts the effect of redistricting on representative democracy?

multiple_choice_question   30572851

   Which statement best depicts the effect of redistricting on representative democracy? 



Legislators represent the same number of Republicans and Democratic voters

representation is mostly based on geographic cohesion




representation is mostly based on the voting patterns of Texas residents

gerrymandering is a legitimate method of forming districts


Question 30

The 1944 Supreme Court case of Smith v. Allwright was intended 


multiple_choice_question   30572852

   The 1944 Supreme Court case of Smith v. Allwright was intended   



to protect minority communities from aggressive redistricting

to end the practice of all-white primary elections




as a remedy for segregated polling places

to balance the numbers of urban and rural districts


Question 31 Choose the election that best fits the description–use each response once


Match the following:matching_question   30572855


Constitutional amendment elections must be held on the same day as these elections




These are held to allow the government to sell public debt




In San Antonio, _____elections are usually conducted in May of odd-numbered years




In Texas, ______ elections require a


of votes cast to win


These are held in November of even-numbered years _____


Question 32 Choose the type of interest group, use each response at least once.  Use chapter 3 and/or chapter 21 for referencematching_question   30572856

     Match the following:   

United Farm Workers’




Mexican American Legal & Defense (MALDEF)




ConAgra Foods


The Associations of Flight Attendants




Public Citizen




Question 33


matching_question   30572857


These terms relate to de facto/de jure barriers to voting, and the elections system in Texas. You will use all the responses once. Remember that de jure barriers are the formal (constitutional) factors stated in section 1 & 2 of chapter 4. Having a diagnosed, severe state of amnesia is a ____ barrier


de facto


Being denied a ballot because your married name differs from your voter registration card is a ____ barrier to vote

 de jure  

In a single-member system, the winner represents a____ for his/her term of office


Most states’ primary elections require a ____ of votes cast to win


Being denied a ballot because you try to vote after living in Texas for 2 weeks is ____ barrier




One half of the votes cast, plus one vote is a _____


Question 34 BONUS Q–Which employment category (Texas non-farm) has the fewest jobs, relative to it’s production total (GSP chart), using the June / 2011 data? Note: The Texas non-farm employment table is posted on the homepage.


multiple_choice_question   30572866


    finance   government





other services


Topof Form

In the 1990’s companies like Dell and Sematech created a ____ advantage in the Austin area






Question 2

Employment tables, data, etc do not include Agricultural employment, due to



fluctuations in grocery prices

most Agriculture production is done with machines

agricultural employment is seasonal

none of these is



Question 3

Currently (as of the 2010 Census estimate) over ____ of Texas population is non-Anglo*       Note:  * White or Caucasian is an overall category that includes Hispanics, while “Anglo” does not








Question 4 Match the type of constitutional power with the correct description–reference is chapter 2



Match the type of constitutional power with the correct description–reference is chapter 2

Match the following:

concurrent power

powers that both state and


governments share or provide at the same time



powers specifically identified for the federal government



established for states by 10th Amendment

interstate commerce

regulating inland waterways, air and highway transportation

police powers

governments responsibility to provide public safety, education, public health

intrastate commerce

regulating trucking industry, gas and oil production


Question 5 Utilities like CPS are classified as multiple_choice_question







Question 6 multiple_choice_question


Using table 1.1 in the cd text, which sub-sector of the GOODS sector experienced the highest rate (% of change from 2000-2010) of growth?

If you need a reference for calculating rates of growth, click this link:




retail trade


mining (oil & gas)


Question 7 According to the 2006 federal Census estimate, which one of the following metropolitan areas is not included within the list of the 10 fastest growing in the United States multiple_choice_question


According to the 2006 federal Census estimate, which one of the following metropolitan areas is not included within the list of the 10 fastest growing in the United States?

Dallas-Ft. Worth-Arlington

Bryan-College Station


Austin-Round Rock


Question 8

Colonizing central Texas is typically credited to Stephen F. Austin and other adventurers.  This reflects the _____ subculture

multiple_choice_question   30572868

Colonizing central Texas is typically credited to Stephen F. Austin and other adventurers.  This reflects the _____ subculture






Question 9

Match the political subculture with the correct attribute

matching_question   30572869

Match the political subculture with the correct attribute
Match the following:


embraces high rates of participation in community and public life


more likely in urban areas or research university communities


political subculture would likely oppose immigration reform


prefers informal alliances over organizations and bureaucracy


would likely favor incentives


Question 10

The least economically developed area of Texas is:

multiple_choice_question   30572870

The least economically developed area of Texas is:

West/Southwest Texas

the inner cities of the 5 largest metro areas

the Border Region

the Panhandle


Question 11 Sovereignty is maintained by the member states under which system?

multiple_choice_question   30572871

Sovereignty is maintained by the member states under which system?




College Football BCS


Question 12

The land provided the basis for the growth of three economic undertakings, which were central in Texas’ development. These were

multiple_choice_question   30572872

The land provided the basis for the growth of three economic undertakings, which were central in Texas’ development. These were

manufacturing, oil, and cotton

mining, cattle, and oil

cotton, cattle, and oil

cattle, oil, and real estate speculation


Question 13

Providing Public Education is a(n) ____ power 

multiple_choice_question   30572873

Providing Public Education is a(n) ____ power 






Question 14

Among the 50 states, Texas ranks very high in

multiple_choice_question   30572875

Among the 50 states, Texas ranks very high in

# of prisons/incarcerated

teen pregnancy

# of classroom teachers

poverty rate

all of these


Question 15

High-Tech “clustering” is prominent in McAllen and El Paso



High-Tech “clustering” is prominent in McAllen and El Paso




Question 16

High-technology industries

multiple_choice_question   30572877

High-technology industries

were leaving TX in droves in 2003 for low-wage states like Mississippi and W. Virginia

pay higher average wages than do such industries as construction and food service

concentrate in the arid areas of West Texas, where silica is widely available

have been discouraged by the state leadership


Question 17


de jure

barrier is obsolete/removed?

multiple_choice_question   30572837

Which de jure barrier is obsolete/removed?

any ward of the state or “pauper”

most convicted felons

all of these

mental incompetence


Question 18

The device by which a corporation may contribute money to a political candidate is

multiple_choice_question   30572838

The device by which a corporation may contribute money to a political candidate is

a political action committee

through the


union that represents its workers

directly from corporation funds

into a


state tax transfer fund


Question 19

Which candidate’s office is chosen/nominated by delegate convention?

multiple_choice_question   30572839

Which candidate’s office is chosen/nominated by delegate convention?

sheriff of Medina County

U.S. congressman from the 4th Texas congressional


president of the United States

governor of Texas

 Question 20

The_____ reduced the power of political parties in the electoral process

multiple_choice_question   30572840

The_____ reduced the power of political parties in the electoral process



National Convention system

25th Amendment

Populist Movement


Question 21

The grandfather clause pertains to the _____

multiple_choice_question   30572841

The grandfather clause pertains to the _____

white primary

poll tax

Voting Rights Act of 1965

literacy test


Question 22

The term grassroots refers to activity that

multiple_choice_question   30572842

The term grassroots refers to activity that



ly and spreads to broader areas

starts at the state level and works down

is associated with agriculture

has produced no growth


Question 23

Interest groups and parties both nominate candidates

true_false_question   30572843

Interest groups and parties both nominate candidates




Question 24

An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence


to respond favorably to those views is a(n)

multiple_choice_question   30572844

An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence government to respond favorably to those views is a(n)

voluntary association

benevolent society

interest group

political party


Question 25

The redistricting battle in 2003 was about which districts?

multiple_choice_question   30572845

The redistricting battle in 2003 was about which districts?

Texas House of Representatives

Texas Senate

all of these

U.S. Congressional


Question 26

Participating in the process of nominating and electing candidates to office by an interest group is called

multiple_choice_question   30572846

Participating in the process of nominating and electing candidates to office by an interest group is called


grassroots pressure




Question 27

Interests groups wield considerable power in Texas because of 

multiple_choice_question   30572848

Interests groups wield considerable power in Texas because of 

tight limitations on campaign contributions

the fragmented structure of state government

the absence of a well-paid and professional legislative staff

a long history of intense two-party competition


Question 28

Which of these statements in NOT true, regarding primary elections in Texas

multiple_choice_question   30572849

Which of these statements in NOT true, regarding primary elections in Texas

You may vote in only one parties’ primary

You may not vote in a run-off if you didn’t vote in the primary

if you vote in a primary, you can only vote in that parties’ run-off election

you don’t have to declare party affiliation when you register to vote


Question 29

Which statement best depicts the effect of redistricting on representative democracy?

multiple_choice_question   30572851

Which statement best depicts the effect of redistricting on representative democracy?

Legislators represent the same number of Republicans and Democratic voters

representation is mostly based on geographic cohesion

representation is mostly based on the voting patterns of Texas residents

gerrymandering is a legitimate method of forming districts


Question 30

The 1944 Supreme Court case of Smith v. Allwright was intended 

multiple_choice_question   30572852

The 1944 Supreme Court case of Smith v. Allwright was intended 

to protect minority communities from aggressive redistricting

to end the practice of all-white primary elections

as a remedy for segregated polling places

to balance the numbers of urban and rural districts


Question 31 Choose the election that best fits the description–use each response once

Match the following:matching_question


Constitutional amendment elections must be held on the same day as these elections


These are held to allow the government to sell public debt


In San Antonio, _____elections are usually conducted in May of odd-numbered years


In Texas, ______ elections require a


of votes cast to win


These are held in November of even-numbered years _____



Question 32 Choose the type of interest group, use each response at least once.  Use chapter 3 and/or chapter 21 for referencematching_question


Match the following:

United Farm Workers’


Mexican American Legal & Defense (MALDEF)


ConAgra Foods


The Associations of Flight Attendants


Public Citizen


Question 33

matching_question   30572857

These terms relate to

de facto

/de jure barriers to voting, and the elections system in Texas. You will use all the responses once. Remember that de jure barriers are the formal (constitutional) factors stated in section 1 & 2 of chapter 4.
Having a diagnosed, severe state of amnesia is a ____ barrier

de facto

Being denied a ballot because your married name differs from your voter registration card is a ____ barrier to vote

de jure

In a single-member system, the winner represents a____ for his/her term of office


Most states’ primary elections require a ____ of votes cast to win


Being denied a ballot because you try to vote after living in Texas for 2 weeks is ____ barrier


One half of the votes cast, plus one vote is a _____



Question 34 BONUS Q–Which employment category (Texas non-farm) has the fewest jobs, relative to it’s production total (GSP chart), using the June / 2011 data? Note: The Texas non-farm employment table is posted on the homepage.

multiple_choice_question   30572866




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