Short Answer AC310 Quiz

Companies frequently issue both preferred stock and common stock. What are the major differences in the rights of stockholders between these two classes of stock?

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Are the financial statements of a partnership similar to those of a proprietorship? Discuss.

The declining-balance method is an accelerated method of depreciation. Briefly explain what is meant by an accelerated method of depreciation and justify the choosing of an accelerated method.

Customer purchases using credit cards are a significant source of revenue for many retailers. From the standpoint of a retailer, briefly discuss some advantages and disadvantages of a retail store having its own credit card as opposed to accepting one of the national credit cards (e.g., Visa, MasterCard).

What is a contingent liability? Give an example of a contingent liability that is usually recorded in the accounts.

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What are the similarities and differences between the terms depreciation, depletion, and amortization?

Management can choose between two bases in calculating the estimated uncollectible accounts under the allowance method. One basis emphasizes an income statement viewpoint whereas the other emphasizes a balance sheet viewpoint. Identify the two bases and contrast the two approaches. How do the different points of view affect the amount recognized as Bad Debts Expense during the accounting period?

Important objectives of a system of internal controls are to safeguard assets and to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the accounting records. Briefly discuss how (1) cost-benefit considerations, (2) the human element, and (3) the size of the business, affect the implementation of a system of internal controls.

Identify the three activities that pertain to a petty cash fund, and indicate an internal control principle that is applicable to each activity. (b) When are journal entries required in the operation of a petty cash fund?

Identify and explain the principal characteristics of the partnership form of business organization.

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