How Stress Affects Patients with Heart Disease Please describe how heart disease is affected by stress and how stress affects the heart with high blood pressure & diabetes. Page 1 – Abstract Page – 120 words only (describes what your paper is about,

How Stress Affects Patients with Heart Disease

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Please describe how heart disease is affected by stress and how stress affects the heart with high blood pressure & diabetes. Page 1 – Abstract Page – 120 words only (describes what your paper is about, what you are studying, what is the questions you started out with, & what did you learn) Page 2 – Introduction (Describes why other people would care to read about this topic; What is the main thesis of the paper, Why is the topic important) Page 3 – Method (Reviewing literature about your topic of interest, show which sources are being used & why they are being used) Page 4 & 5 – Discussion (What did authorities in the field have to say about the topic) Page 6 – References At least 4 sources MUST BE scholarly references, the other 3 it does not matter

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