To meet the application requirements, we kindly request the following items:
1. Brief Program Description: 50 words or less overview of course content. Must describe target audience and pre-requisites if any. Submit formal needs assessment if applicable. (Target audience to be general Pediatric, General Women’s health nurses, and psychiatric nurses that care for Pediatric and women’s)
2. Behavioral Objective: Use action verbs to express expected learning outcomes. Objectives should be measurable and attainable within the time frame.
Objectives must be relevant to the specific discipline and within scope of practice. Can be written for the whole program or for each individual presentation.
At the conclusion of this program/presentation the participant will be able to:
- Describe current nursing management of the patient with HIV
- Discuss the current prevalence of HIV in Florida
- Examples of verbs: Define, Relate, Distinguish, Analyze, Differentiate, Calculate, Compare, Relate, Solve, Examine, Judge, Evaluate, Revise, Assess, Describe, Discuss, Explain, Recognize, Identify, Use, Demonstrate, Compose, Collect, Create, and Illustrate
3. Any Program Hand-outs/Power Point presentation (15 slides on Pediatric mental health and 15 slides on Women’s mental health) this population is in Miami Dade county. Use any grafts and pictures or hand outs that may be given.
4. Delivery Method: Specify teaching method: lecture, panel, group discussion, demonstration, simulation, case presentation, video, PowerPoint presentation
5. CV: updated within 2 years (I will send this)
6. References: Using APA format list books, journals, magazine articles, and web sites. All references must be no more than 5 years old.