kinesiology(recreation and leisure)

kinesiology(recreation and leisure)

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Behavioral Awareness: The purpose of this section is to increase awareness of behavioral factors that limit involvement in leisure activities. You will be expected to examine how race, gender, and income influence attitudes, beliefs, and values related to leisure activities. You are expected to do a Literature Review that explores at least two of the factors (race, income, or gender) and predominant leisure lifestyles for those sectors of society. The paper must include the following:
– Title Page Name of project, course number, and student name
– Literature Review This section is where you will be providing all the relevant readings on the topic. You should include up to 8 sources. Note: You should be able to use the four (4) from the Cultural Awareness section. Provide brief summaries or descriptions of the works. Make sure that your research materials are from credible sources such as academic books and peer-reviewed journals. Also, make sure that your reading materials are directly relevant to the topic. The literature review typically includes the names of the authors, the titles of their works and the year of the publication of these works.

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