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In this conference you are expected to post your comments on “Human Inheritance”. First Read my Course Content Item and the pertinent part of the text book (pages 202-217).

in this conference you are expected to post your comments on “Biotechnology”. First Read my Course Content Item and the pertinent part of the text book (pages 218-235).

In this conference you are expected to post your comments on “Evidence of Evolution”. First Read my Course Content Item and the pertinent part of the text book (pages 236-255).

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In this conference you are expected to post your comments on “Processes of Evolution”. First Read my Course Content Item and the pertinent part of the text book (pages 256-281)

For week four, we are examining the classical Mediterranean of Greece and Rome, and the international trading system that developed in light of the establishment of imperial systems between 500 B.C. (BCE) and 500 A.D. (CE).

Please answer at least ONE of the following questions. Remember to answer as completely as possible, and explain using specific facts, events, and other points. Organize the answers and produce well-written efforts. Work to develop the answer beyond basic facts by explaining points fully. As a short cut, you may cite the text as “Bentley and Ziegler, 108” (noting authors and page numbers). Other sources should be cited fully using the University of Chicago Style . When in doubt, cite and reference completely.

Remember, please post by Thursday. 

1.  Discuss the Heroic Age of Greece (Crete/Minoan and Mycenaean civilization).  When did this occur and what were the accomplishments of these civilizations.  How does Homer and his epics relate to these?  What happened to cause these societies to collapse (the Dark Ages)?  Explain.

2.  What is the polis and why is it so important for the development of classical Greek society and its politics?  How did the polis and the requirements of citizenship affect political culture?  Why is this period (roughly 800-336 B.C. (BCE)) called the Hellenic Age?  Explain. 

3.  What are the Greek-Persian Wars and what importance do they have for both societies?  Explain, providing examples.  Compare Sparta and Athens.  What roles do these states have in the conflict?  Why does the Peloponnesian War occur and why does the Hellenic era close with Philip and Alexander’s conquest of the Greek poleis and Persia in the 330s and B.C. (BCE)?  Provide details. 

4.  Compare and contrast family and domestic life in the Greek states and in the Roman Republic and Empire.  What roles did men and women have?  What was the status of slaves?  Explain these.  What role did religion play in both societies?  Discuss traditional and new religions of salvation that appeared.  

5.  Discuss the development of rational philosophy in Greece and Roman law.  Discuss individuals and schools of thought.  How did the Greco-Roman (Hellenistic) world influence philosophy, science, literature, and other liberal arts?  Explain. 

6.  Discuss the establishment and growth of Rome.  What type of political organization and order developed in Rome from 753 to 27 B.C. (BCE)?  Discuss the role of the Senate and People and the impact of military victories over time.  What roles do the accumulation of wealth, land, and slaves have in the civil wars of the 1st century B.C. (BCE)?  Why does Rome last so long?  Discuss. 

7.  What are the causes of the development of the great trading routes or silk roads in the ancient world?  How does the establishment of imperial states facilitate commerce and trade?  Who and what is involved?  Why is it said the Mediterranean is a cosmopolitan place during the classical period?  Could the same be said of the Indian Ocean and other areas?  Why or why not?  Explain. 

8.  Discuss the development and expansion of religion in the classical period.  Compare and contrast the attraction of the salvation religions and why they have global importance during the classical period.  Does trade and imperial growth assist the growth of religion?  Explain 

9.  How does the development of international networks and trading systems affect the exchange of disease in the ancient world?  What diseases are involved and how do these affect the societies of we have studied?  Explain, citing examples.  Was the collapse in part or in whole of imperial systems a result of disease?  Why or why not?  Discuss. 

10.  After answering one of the questions above, are there any other issues or questions you would like to your colleagues to consider. Please post here and discuss.

  • B and Z, chapters 10-12 (make certain to read the highlighted sections in each chapter)

One primary source reading from chapters 10-12 from the publisher’s website ( and click Traditions & Encounters 5e)


  • Participate in Conference 4 — due
  • Primary Source Paper — due 

Build Annotated Timeline (must include four components from gender, geography; must include main concepts anchored in the textbook) — due 7/14/13

Begin to think about Compare/Contrast essay — due 7/21/13 

Begin Scavenger Hunt 2 — due 7/28/13 







Module 1: The Molecular and Cellular Bases of Life

Lab 3: Cells and Cell Processes

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Read and explore the following Web sites:

The Cell: Down to Basics
Read the introductory Web page and Focus Topics 4a through 4i. You may ignore the links in the purple section on the left side of each page.

Cells Alive
In the menu on the left side of the page, click on Cell Biology. Then in the main frame, scroll down to theCell Models, click on Animal Cell and Plant Cell, and review all organelles in each list. You may also wish to view the Cell Cams and Cell Gallery. These last two items are recommended but not required.
Use what you have learned to answer the following questions:
What organelle
is composed of RNA and protein?

is composed of a system of canals for transport of molecules through the cell?

is the site where the most energy is obtained from carbohydrates?

is the site of packaging of cellular secretions?

is responsible for maintaining the shape and internal organization of the cell?

is not found in animal cells?

is found in the nucleus?

is a fluid-filled sac that stores food and water?

contains enzymes for intracellular digestion?

functions to trap light energy?

Do you think that a plant cell, which already has a stiff, strong cell wall, still really needs a cell membrane? Explain why or why not.

What is the largest example of a single cell? Why aren’t there cells 1 foot in diameter or larger?

Label the indicated organelles in the animal and plant cells below.
Animal cell organelles to be labeled:
plasma membrane
Golgi body
nuclear membrane
endoplasmic reticulum







Plant cell organelles to be labeled:
cell wall
plasma membrane
nuclear membrane
endoplasmic reticulum








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