death penalty I wanna make an arrgumentive research , ill send u the annotated bibliography( has 10 sources) , u need to use 5 of them in this research,,, please choose eassy words,,, ill send the teacher instructions as well, please read it before u sta

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death penalty

I wanna make an arrgumentive research , ill send u the annotated bibliography( has 10 sources) , u need to use 5 of them in this research,,, please choose eassy words,,, ill send the teacher instructions as well, please read it before u start doing anything

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Muhammed Aljohani

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Professor Flanigan


13 Nov 2011

Essay 3

Word count: 1800

Annotated Bibliography: Death penalty

Baker, David N., Eric, Lambert G. and Morris, Jenkins . Racial Differences in Death Penalty Support and Opposition: A Preliminary Study of White and Black College Students. Journal of Black Studies 35.4 (2005): 201-224, 24. Web. 12 Nov. 2011.

The article addresses conflicting ideas amid the white and black students regarding which race highly supports the imposition of the death penalty. The students surveyed are from the Midwestern University whose results and response showed varied support statistics evident across the racial lines. Racial segregation even though is not that acute; it is evident in America. Multivariate analysis showed measures of the whites versus the blacks they supported the idea of penalty sentence. However, insignificant number showed their discomfort regarding the way the penalty had the majority supporters from the whites and wondered if it was not right, where will the blacks will be. This source discusses these results even after certain controls as gender, age, and academic acquaintance are in place to limit biasness. This article helps me with some resources that have been done in Midwestern University.

Babcock, Sandra. “The Global Debate on the Death Penalty”. Human Rights, Spring. 34. 2 (2007): 1-5, 5. Web. 12 Nov. 2011.

Babcock explores the issue of death at global level in diverse states and the system of the governments, which implement the sentence. She tries hard to convince diverse associations that have much influence in their respective governments to be vocal in pushing for the abolition of the sentence. She supports her argument and pleas for the abolition of death penalty with stating that despite its imposition it will not deter the increasing rates of crimes. Babcock, states that death penalty deprives off numerous people their lives, who may have transformed to be better citizens. Additionally, the death penalty must not act as a determining factor in the life destiny of those who have broken diverse laws here on earth. This article supports my argument that people can do well with second chances.

Drehle, David Von. “Death Penalty Walking – TIME.” Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews – Time Magazine U.S,03 June 2008. Web. 08 Nov. 2011.

Some states use lethal injection, which combines three drugs, to kill criminals. These three drugs put the person in a coma, numb pain, and then kill. Why use all three of these drugs when one is enough. Putting a person in jail for the rest of his/her life for killing another person is costly, but it is more humane. The government cannot correct a wrong by committing the same wrong again. Moreover, the death penalty is cruel and unusual and is up to the discretion of a solitary judge. This article supports my argument by stating that we need more than one judge to reside over death penalty cases.

Melusky, Joseph, A. “Too Young to Die? The Evolving Views of the Supreme Court of the United States on the Death Penalty for Juvenile Offenders”. National Social Science Journal 37.1 (2011): 88-97, 10. Web. 12 Nov. 2011.

The article highlights the U.S Supreme Court’s opinion pertaining to death penalty amid juvenile lawbreakers. However, the states’ laws state that under some given circumstances, the state via judiciary branch can execute death penalty on the young offenders. Centrally, on the same stand, the state and the concerned bodies observe that law breaking between the adults and juvenile varies greatly with mind capacity. This brews intense argument whether death penalty must be imposed on juvenile offenders, since the various states’ laws detest on passing any sentence on a retarded person who is a lawbreaker Melusky’s article is useful because it presents the negative effects of the death penalty on youth. This article supports my argument that people deserve second chance.

Lacayo, Richard. “The Tide Shifts Against the Death Penalty – TIME.” Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews – TIME U.S. 03 Feb. 2009. Web. 04 Nov. 2011.

In this article, Lacayo presents several aspects of the death penalty effect on people. Lacayo purports that many states have tried to get rid of the death penalty; however, not all of them have succeeded. The United States’ death golden age that was 1999, when 98 people were put to death. Within ten years, capital punishment started decreasing. Thirty-six states and the federal government still keep the death penalty. New Jersey was the first state to repeal the death penalty. Lacayo’s article is very clear because it provides details about the states that started fighting the death penalty. Lacayo’s article will helps me show that the death penalty does not deter crime.

Liptak, Adam. “Sidebar – Group That Shaped Death Penalty Gives Up on Its Own Work –” The New York Times – Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. The New York Time, 08 Nov. 2011. Web. 08 Nov. 2011.

The American Law Institute tries to fight against capital punishment. Although it has not eradicated capital punishment, it has managed to reduce it. The American Law Institute helped New Mexico stop capital punishment and influenced Ohio to switch to chemical lethal injections. The institute contains four thousand people, including judges, lawyers, and law professors, all of which together make one of the best federal legal systems. In 1962, the institute tried to make capital punishment harder to implement by letting juries decide whether to use capital punishment. The institute lets people know that capital punishment is immoral. This article is clear and useful because it shows the effects of the death penalty. It will help me reinforce that lawyers and law professors support my points.

Lambert, Eric G., Clarke, Alan., Tucker-Gail, Kasey A. & Hogan, Nancy L. Multivariate analysis of reasons for death penalty support between male and female college students: empirical support for Gilligan’s ‘ethic of care’. Criminal Justice Studies 22.3 (2009): 239-260, 22. Web. 12 Nov. 2011.

College students regarding the argument on death penalty and its support seem divided along the gender lines. Female students have 45% supports contrary to male 71%. Mainly, this is due to females being more compassionate and merciful divergent to their male counterparts. Males are sometimes careless, since they argue that it is due to any person who decides to break the law and commit crime for a living. Hence, no mercy for the culprit despite the loud pleas he or should present to the Justice system. Article depicts contrasting views especially by male student while in college and after the academics seem to oppose the death penalty. The article evidently depicts varying characteristic of men as they pass out to the real world regarding the death penalty. This article is a strong resource because it shows the percentage of people who disagree with the death penalty. It will help me reinforce that more people disagree with the death penalty than agree with it.

Oppenheim, Sarah. “CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN THE UNITED STATES.” American University Washington College of Law. Web. 08 Nov. 2011.

This article focuses on how capital punishment has no clear role as its use it determined a judge. The United States has unsuccessfully tried to get rid of capital punishment. The death penalty is not humane because it might take innocent people by mistake. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas support the death penalty but do not use it often. One of the big problems with the death penalty is racism. A black person who kills a white person is four times more likely to get the death penalty than a while murderer. Many countries pressure the United States to get rid of capital punishment. Oppenheim’s article is useful and clear and shows that judges can make mistakes.

Olivia H. “The Tide Shifts Against the Death Penalty – TIME.” Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews – Teen INK. Web. 08 Nov. 2011.

The death penalty is state-sanctioned murder. Some people fight to get rid of the death penalty in the United States because they think it may take an innocent life. Although most governments take steps to ensure innocent people are not put to death, mistakes are still made. The study shows that countries with more executions have more murders. Illogically, the government’s solution to ending murder is killing. This article is useful and shows that we cannot fix something by repeating mistakes. This article supports my point that we cannot fix something by doing the same mistake.

Peffley, Mark & Hurwitz, Jon. Persuasion and Resistance: Race and the Death Penalty in America. American Journal of Political Science 51.4 (2007): 996-1012, 17. Web. 12 Nov. 2011.

The source addresses diverse opinions of whites plus the African Americans on the death penalty issue and how its execution based on racial lines. The authors of this article recognize the “race gap” that exists amid the whites and the blacks but cannot tell exactly, which side highly prefers the death penalty. The blacks complain of the sentence being hard on them whilst the whites seem not be spared to some extent on the execution of death penalty. This prompts the whites at some instances becoming somehow supportive of capital sentence with the knowledge that it segregates against the African Americans. Peffley and Hurwitz, mainly address how the two sides argue concerning death penalty partial application to the same citizens of diverse races. This article will help me show how the death plenty is disproportionally applied to minorities.

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