Art Homework

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Here is your chance to learn in more depth about one of the world cultures and art. You are

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welcome to choose one that is most interesting to you. It might be the art and culture of the

country you want to visit or the one you, or your family, have come from.

Read your textbook and/or search the internet.

Share what you have learned with your classmates.

Practice in making a short text an informative and interesting read.

Please use your own wording or create an informative outline.

Consider your post as a mini essay. Structure it this way:


paragraph – Intro to history and culture


– Intro to Art (Major features, concepts, and notions; What is different about it)


– Work of Art (Brief description and analysis; Say why you choose it, what attracted you;

Provide 1-2 interesting facts.


– Conclusion. Provide a concluding statement and give your own take on presented art.

You may want to type it first in Word and then copy-paste into Discussion Forum (to avoid any

accidental loss).

Pueblo Indians

Natives of the Southwest deserts,

particularly New Mexico.

Machu Picchu. Inca, Peru. 16


Pueblo Jar. 1850-1900

Illustrate your work

I encourage you to insert a picture in your post. You will learn and enjoy more while observing

and working with the pictures. Also, your post will look very nice and more interesting to read.

(The Directions “How Insert an Image” are posted on the Discussion Board)

Find the images on the web. Tip: Use ‘Images’ button in Google when searching for pictures (see

horizontal menu bar).

Example: Let us say, when reading about African art, you like the impressive Ife sculpture – Google this

term and click “Image” button.

Islamic Art

Alhambra. Granada, Spain. 1300-s

Art of China Terra Cotta Warriors. C. 210 B.C.E.
6000 life-size figures were found in a huge tomb of the Chinese Emperor Qin (pronounced Chin – his name served as a root for

the world China)

Art of India

Medieval manuscript Illustration.

Write your mini-essay and read your classmates’ posts to learn about other world cultures and incredibly

various of world art.

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