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Before the reading time, the student D fidgeted his desk and he tried to “move from his desk” and made a noise by singing. I allowed him to move within the structure of the classroom and let him carried the book from the library in the classroom and deliver them to his classmates before the reading time started.

When the reading block had started I allowed him to have some regular breaks to allow for him to move. For example, I allowed him to go to the restroom or even stand up at his desk to get the wiggles out. I found that D’s desk is facing the window and that stimulated him to talk and make comments about the people outside the window. I moved the D’s desk to be assessable to his teacher with the least amount of distraction or stimulus such as traveled path. When the teacher assigned him to be on the carpet, she put him in large group of students which was hard to control him with his talking. It was three groups at the school so I chose the smallest group of students and I put him with them. It was a quiet group so D focused on the teacher and was easily to control him by remind him with the rules of the sitting in the classroom. The student D was very talkative so when he get bored of the class I allowed him to choose to do the activities he likes and he chose computer time, painting, playdoh, puzzles, and listening to music.

I have observed that D was bumping other students while he was standing in the line. I put him in the first of the line and I let him two times to be the door holder and he was very excited.

When the student D listened and focused to his teacher I reinforced him with star stickers, small praises, or candies and told him that he did a good job. When he was trying to talk or ask during class I ignored him and advised him to raise a quite hand. Some times he forget to raise his hand so I put small bowl in front of the class with some candies that to encourage him to raise his hand quietly. By the time, he acknowledged that no one can pay attention to him if he didn’t raise his hand and no any praises will get, so he was able to raise his hand when he asked for something about the class. I gave him a reasonable time at the end of each activities or class time to talk about everything he would like and whether he liked or disliked the activities and allowed him to talk about his opinion. This intervention will allowed him during the class activities to be patient, quiet, and focusing on the teacher since he already will have time at the end of the class to talk. I also created a chart to involved him in self-monitoring. He had to put a sad face in each appropriate behavior he didn’t do it and happy face f he did that appropriate behavior. Every time he made a disturb behavior, I reminded him about this chart.

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Communicate student progress

It is very important for the teachers to communicate with parents about their children progress. I used a form that shows the progress report to the parents and so they can be aware of their child’s improvements.

Self- Monitoring: (See attached)

I created a chart that helped the student to be involved in his self-monitoring and increase his awareness about his disruptive behaviors that he did in the classroom. I gave the student to think in each section and remember what he did that related to the section. I modeled the chart for him so he can understand that this chart will evaluate his behavior when he disturbed the teacher or classmates. He put sad face when he did poor in each section and happy face when he did well every day. He This chart has sections that let the student evaluate his behaviors during the class when if he was:

· Complying with directions

· Use a quite voice

· Using a quite hand

· Staying with the group

· Transitioning appropriately

· Treating classroom materials with respects

· Treating teachers with respects

Self-Monitoring Chart:

Evaluation the Effect of the Intervention: (see attached)

According to the result of the intervention, I found that there is a decrease in the amount of the disturb behaviors from the student D. I would strongly recommend my intervention to use during the class sessions so teachers can effectively manage the disruptions from their students. The chart I created shows that the student D is decreased his disturb behaviors.

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