
 outline for Denmark

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The final paper is due in Session Seven of the course. For each of Session Two to Five of the course, the student is expected to submit a 1- 2 page outline for every section of the paper (each of these sections will be 3 to 4 pages in length for the completed research paper). Each of these must be in APA format along with a reference page with at least 3 references -please cite and list sources following the APA style and make sure they are current peer-reviewed articles. I strongly recommend working with our Heather Gray, our Online Reference Librarian. 

Session Four: Negotiating and Ethical Issues

Negotiating in this country, including decision-making and ethical issues.

  • Differences between the chosen country and the US that will need close attention.
  • Issues that intertwine cultural, legal and ethical considerations (i.e., gift giving, bribes, social responsibility).

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