phychology and finance


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Week 1 Discussion 1

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“Knowing and Thinking”  Please respond to the following: 
E. M. Forrester once said, “How can I know what I think until I see what I say?”

· Find one (1) quote in Chapter 1 made by some other famous person about “knowing” or “thinking” which you think best describes your own viewpoint.

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· Explain how the quote you chose relates to one of the roles of thinking.

· Explain why the quote or comment you chose is meaningful to you.

Week 1 Discussion 2

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“Barriers to Objective Thinking”  Please respond to the following:
Some people define themselves by their possessions, religious beliefs, abilities, or other factors. “Defining yourself” is a topic about which you may have a difficult time thinking objectively.

· Describe how you define yourself to others. Be specific.

· Describe how you define yourself to yourself. Be specific.

· Explain whether you think there is a contradiction between these two definitions and what barriers of objective thinking may contribute to this contradiction.

· Describe how you think others might define you. Be specific.

· Explain what the barriers to objective thinking may influence your own self-definition and how others may define you.


1.”Globalization and the Multinational Firm” Please respond to the following:

· Some people have objected to the creation of NATFA, arguing that the U.S. would lose jobs to Mexico where labor costs are significantly lower. Provide an argument either for the expansion of NAFTA or for its dissolution.  

· Determine this single most significant concern regarding globalization for multinational firms. Provide specific examples to support your response.

2.”International Monetary System” Please respond to the following:

· From the first e-Activity, determine how the economics of Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal have contributed to a global economic crisis. and how the global impact of such economies can be mitigated in the future. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Note: here is the e-activities for question 2

· From the second e-Activity, discuss how being tied to a single currency (the Euro) has impacted the different economies of the European Union. Provide specific examples to support your response.Bottom of Form

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