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GRM 697 The Research Process

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7. What is a characteristic of quasi-experimental research?

a) does not establish cause and effect relationships

b) assignment to groups based on some pre-determined characteristic

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c) has the highest degree of control over the factors being examined

d) assignment to groups is random in nature

8. What is another term for basic research?

a) real research

b) pure research

c) appl ied research

d) baseline research

9. What is one characteristic of poor research?

a) based on the work of other researchers

b) incremental

c) a political activity

d) leads to additional questions

10. Madison is interested in how many of the children in her school come
from single-parent, intact, and blended families. What method of
research would she use?

a) correlational

b) quasi-experimental

c) experimental

d) descriptive

1l. Matthew thinks that there is a relationship between parenting style
and self-esteem in children. Which research method should he use?

a) correlational
b) quasi-experimental

c) descriptive

d) historical

12. In a study of the effect of the amount TV viewing on children’s
aggressiveness, amount of TV viewing would be what type of variable?

a) independent variable

b) dependent variable

c) control variable

d) extraneous variable



GRM 697 The Research Process

19. There will be no relationship between children’s time in day care and
later academic achievement. This is an example of which of the fol-

a) a research hypothesis

b) a factorial design

c) a correlational hypothesis

d) a null hypothesis

20. The significance level reported in a research study can be explained by
which of the following?

a) importance of the results to the benefit of society

b) statistical methods to determine the results of the study

c) risk associated with not bei ng 100 confident the difference is due
to the


d) importance of the results to the benefit of an individual

21. A nondirectional research hypothesis is similar to a directional hypoth-
esis in what way?

a) both specify the direction of the difference between groups

b) both reflect differences between groups

c) are non-specific regarding the direction of group differences

d) make no allusion to group differences

22. Which type of source is NOT typically included in a literature review?

a) general sources

b) tertiary sources

c) secondary sources

d) primary sources

23. What use do secondary sources provide?

a) finding a scholarly summary of research

b) finding further sources of research

c) sometimes citing in your literature review

d) all of the above



GRM 697 The Research Process

29. What does the ethical principle of “sharing benefits” mean?

a) All participants in the same study should receive an equal share of
the benefits, or subject payments.

b) All those who belong to the population being studied will share
equally from the benefits the study produces.

c) The results of studies must be shared with the public so society may
benefit from the increased knowledge.

d) All groups involved in a study should eventually be given an opportu-
nity to receive any treatments that were found to be effective in the

30. Which source allows the researcher to locate articles which cite a
specific article?

a) Educational Resources Information Center

b) Social Sciences Citation Index

c) Psychological Abstracts

d) Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography

31. What is the best way to find a particular home page?

a) use a search engine

b) randomly open home pages until you find the right one

c) telephone the organization that operates the home page

d) guess at the possible URL address

32. In which sampling technique does every kth name on the list selected?

a) simple random sampling

b) systematic sampling

c) stratified sampling

d) cluster sampling

33. Which sampling technique can assure that the profile of the sample
matches the profile of the population?

a) simple random sampling
b) systematic sampling
c) stratified sampling
d) cluster sampling



G R M 697 The Research Process

40. Sampling error can be defined by which of the following statements?

a) increased by increasing sample size

b) larger as the diversity of sample values becomes smaller

c) can be minimized by using simple random sampling

d) becomes equal to zero over many samples

41. Which of the following variables is an example of the nominal level of

a) rank in graduating class

b) gender

c) age of students

d) amount of money earned

42. The interval level of measurement would include which of the follow-

a) number of words spelled incorrectly

b) hair color

c) IQ score

d) height

43. The ratio level of measurement would include which of the following?

a) political affiliation

b) amount of books owned

c) order of finishing test

d) GR E score

44. Which level of measurement conveys the most information?

a) nominal

b) ordinal

c) interval

d) ratio

45. A score that you would actually record is a(n) _

a) observed score

b) true score

c) error score

d) false score



GRM 697 The Research Process

52. In which type of recording is a subject observed for a particular
amount of time?

a) duration

b) interval

c) frequency

d) continuous

53. Which of the following difficulty levels indicates the item that was the
most difficult?

a) 0.40

b) 0.30

c) 0.05

d) 0.50

54. Name a multiple choice item which provides a plausible but wrong

a) attracter

b) alternative

c) detractor

d) distracter

55. Intelligence tests usually compare the performance of a child against

other children of the same age. This type of test is called _

a) an achievement test

b) a standardized test

c) a norm-referenced test

d) a criterion-referenced test

56. Tests such as the Denver Developmental Screening Test are used

a) as dependent variables

b) for entrance to a program to identify strengths and weaknesses

c) to distinguish among people for selection purposes

d) to determi ne if program goals were met

57. What is the computed number for how well an item distinguishes
between the “knowing” and the “unknowing”?

a) item analysis

b) discrimination index

c) difficulty index
d)attitude index



GRM 697 The Research Process

64. What is rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true?

a) Type I error

b) correct

c) Type II error

d) variance

65. What does a level of significance of .05 mean?

a) There is a .5 chance of Type I error.

b) There is a 5 chance of Type I error.

c) There is a .05 chance of Type I error.

d) There is a 50 chance of Type I error.

66. If the two groups you are comparing are related to each other, what
test should you use?

a) factor analysis


c) t-test for independent means

d) t-test

for dependent means

67. What technique reduces the number of variables in a construct?

a) effect size


c) factor analysis

d) t-test

68. The level of significance is similar to which of the following?

a) a Type I error

b) a Type II error

c) a bell curve

d) the null hypothesis

69. In order to determine the critical value, which two pieces of infor-
mation are needed?

a) mean and sample size

b) degrees of freedom and level of significance

c) mean and standard deviation

d) degrees of freedom and variance


GRM 697 The Research Process

75. If you square a correlation coefficient and subtract this number
from 1.00, what is the result?

a) the coefficient of al ienation

b) the coefficient of determination

c) the amount of variance NOT explained by the variance in each

d) both a and c

76. What “objects” are open to interpretation?

a) archival records

b) focus groups

c) interviews

d) physical artifacts

77. Which of the following is better to use?

a) primary sources

b) secondary


c) they are both equal in value

d) don’t use either

78. What is another term for historical research?

a) histology

b) historiography

c) histonomy

d) theory analysis

79. What is data that is derived from sources at least once removed
from the original event?

a) secondary sources

b) global sources

c) primary sources

d) informal sources

80. What is another term for accuracy?

a) authenticity

b) secondary

c) internal criticism

d) validity


GRM 697 The Research Process

86. What is the most serious threat to internal validity in nonequiva-
lent control group design?

a) selection

b) maturation

c) morta I ity

d) testing

87. Why use nonequivalent control group design?

a) less cost

b) less time involved

c) easier training

d) because you cannot assign subjects to groups

88. Professor Russel wants to examine the effectiveness of his new
reading instruction method for third graders. He locates two third
grade classes in the same school. He assesses all students’ current
reading ability at the start of the school year. He then has one
classroom utilize his new instruction method while the other
classroom uses the traditional method. At the end of the school
year, Professor Russell assesses reading ability once again and
compares group differences. The design of this study exemplifies
which of the following?

a) nonequivalent control group design

b) static group comparison

c) Solomon two-group design

d) factorial design

89. Which of the following sequences exemplifies the method of a
single-subject design?

a) measure behavior prior to treatment, apply treatment, withdraw


b) apply treatment, measure behavior, withdraw treatment

c) apply treatment, withdraw treatment, measure behavior

d) apply treatment with a treatment


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